Chapter 27 (Rose)

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I hear voices.

They sound muffled and far away. 

I slowly open my eyes to find the tech Donnie and I worked on together on the floor beside me. I realize my hands and legs are tied and a gag is in my mouth.

I have the urge to scream until the voices get clearer. I hear Repo talking what seems to be in front of me.

I squint and see Repo talking into a camera.

He's mentioning something about the mystic piece. And meeting in front of the junkyard.

I pretend like I'm still knocked out as my head gets clearer.

I'm trapped.

I start to discretely look around to try and find a good way to get out. I realize that my bow might just be close enough for me to grab it. 

I slowly fidget to try and get the bounds off my arms. My legs are loose enough I can just hop out and roll to grab my bow. 

"At midnight. Or else." I hear Repo say as he clicks off the camera. 

I get the last rope undone and swoop out of the chair. But I underestimated the rope holding my legs and I tumble with the chair. 

I grab my bow and have it open up to the shield. 

Im in the corner of the room holding the chair up in front of me with my legs bound. I slide my gag down to my neck with my arms holding the bow out. The shield activated and covering the top half of my body. 

Panting, I check my surroundings and where Repo went. We are inside the front of the bus that is probably at the junkyard. Repo's standing just by the camera holding his claw up to his chest like I gave him a heart attack. And I see Ryan standing where the chair was, not even fazed. 

He must've seen me fidgeting with the ropes around my wrists if he was that close. Why didn't he stop me?

"Why are you holding me here at the Junk yard?" I ask, slowly trying to scoot over to the arrows.

If I fire one with the fog I might be able to get out of here. This space is pretty small though. If they tried they could easily overtake me.

"Ugh. We don't have time for this. Ryan?" Repo says dropping his claw to his side and rolling his eyes.

Ryan advances towards me. His eyes are emotionless. Its scary honestly.

I grab the bag and throw one of the shock things at him. It hits him and he grunts in agony.  

I grab the fog one and toss it at him.

He catches it mid air and drops it on the ground causing it to go off anyway. 

I quickly try to get out of the chair struggling. I couldn't see anymore as the room was filling with fog. Repo starts coughing and I see him leave the bus.

I'm trying to use the shield to block anything that Ryan might try but It's not big enough to cover my legs as I'm trying to untie them. 

I see a shadow move across in front of me and I stop to hold out the shield. Panicking.

Ryan darts at me and bites my leg. 

I shriek and clutch my leg. Ryan stands up and wipes the venom off his fangs.

I look at him with dagger eyes as I start to go limp. My leg was throbbing and it was causing a headache to form. I try desperately to untie the ropes again but my vision goes blurry. 

I finally slump in the chair unable to move. 

Ryan unties the rest of the rope from the chair and throws me over his shoulder like i'm a sack of potatoes. 

He walks out of the bus and I can still make out Repo glaring at me and he goes back into the bus to fetch the camera.

"Put her with Mrs.Nubbins. That should keep the turtles from coming too close to her." He growls.

Who's Mrs.Nubbins? I think as my eyes start to close. 

My leg hurts so much and I'm quite comfortable being carried like this so if I just close my eyes nothing will happen...

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