The Purple Dragon Mission: [5](Rose)

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We enter the laser tag arcade. The arcade is equipped with a fully operational arcade room with weird machines along the walls. It looks similar to the turtle's arcade room but on a bigger scale. 

We enter into a room in the back and April winks at the cashier. He winks back and tosses us some laser guns. 

"Put on these black clothes along the wall and strap that to your chest." April points at all the equipment along the wall.

I start putting the clothes over the image of a human girl disguising me. I finally strap the chest plate and smile at Sunita and April.

"We are on a team. We end up going against another team whose chest plates are colored differently." Sunita explains. "We are red team. Most likely the other team will be blue. Aim for their chest plates and we have each other's backs."

I nod vigorously too excited to speak.

Three other people walk up next to us wearing purple chest plates.

I look around Sunita to see who it is. But instantly regret it.

"April. Don't look now but I know those guys." I say nudging April's arm.

She looks past me and instantly her face gets red. She's mad.

She stomps around me and stands in front of the girl who is in between two guys on either side of her. If I remember her name is Kendra. Her goons are Jason, and Jeremy.

"Hey!! You stole my friends stuff!" She yells at her face. 

Kendra sneers at April. "Oh yea. That idiot who wanted to be a part of our team first? He saw it coming. I'm just surprised he completely ignored all the signs. It's his fault." 

She snaps and Jason, the bigger one,  stands in between April and her.

"Now. I have a game of laser tag to play and kick your butts at. And I would rather you don't spit in my face." The door opens and they walk through it, pushing us into the wall as they do so.

April growls and holds her laser gun up to her shoulder. She aims it at Kendra but when she shoots it says it missed. Kendra laughs as April looks confused.

"They have to be cheating." She says angrily and throws her laser gun to the floor.

"They are." I answer. "They are using a magnetic field around their chest plates to throw off the fire of your laser gun through ultra violet rays." 

April rolls her eyes. "Wow. You sound like Donnie." 

I gasp. "YOU DO KNOW HIM!" 

She raises an eyebrow at me. "So?"

"Have they not mentioned me? Like ever?" I ask.

April taps her chin. "I don't know. I haven't visited them for a few days because of school. I do remember getting a text from Donnie but that was during class. So I got grounded by my parents from using my phone in class." 

"Ok, well. Hi. I'm Rose. And I'm living with them." I smile.

April chokes on her spit and starts coughing.

Sunita looks at me slack jawed.

"I assume you know them too?" I ask Sunita.

"Yea. We house sat for them once." She says closing her mouth and helping April. 

April has now leaned over, her breathing hitching on every other breath.

"Why is this such a surprise? I mean. I remember hearing your name once or twice when the brothers were talking but I wasn't sure if you were the same April." I say cocking my laser gun.

April fixes her glass and stands up. "Just. Caught me off guard. Come on. Let's kick those purple puking dragon's butts!" She says smiling.

They both cock their laser guns as I get a message on my wrist watch.

"Guys. There was a break in at Donnie's lab." I say, looking at them, my smile turning to a frown.

"GOD! AGAIN?!" April throws her hands in the air.

"I'm telling him we're busy. If he figures it out, then we can go and help him." I say sending the message.

"Ok. CAN WE KICK THEIR BUTTS YET?!" Sunita yells.

"YEA!" April and I say together as we rush into the room.

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