Undercover: [1] (Rose)

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Hello readers! I'm so sorry I don't know why this chapter was deleted so I will be rewriting it and repost it soon!

"So... Why are we doing this again?" I ask April, as we walk through the streets of New York.

"Because! You wanted that hoodie a while ago so we have to find you one now." April slings her arm over my shoulder.

My cloaking brooch dangles from my neck as a reminder that I'm not even human. Yet I'm walking among millions of them.

"I just feel so out of place." I say, as we avoid a child and their mother pushing a stroller.

"Don't worry. You know the cloaking brooch makes us look human. Even if we might not 'belong' here we are still living organisms." Sunita bounces in front of us, showing off her flailing brooch.

"I mean... I guess." I smile weakly.

We finally reach the front of the mall. The mannequins in the window showing off clothing of different colors and sizes.

April let's go of me as we walk in, when a kid, who looks to be about 8, jumps in front of us. Knocking over a mannequin.

"Boo!" He shouts at us.

Sunita and I jump back startled.

April keeps walking. "Hey Baxter." She says flatly.

"April." He growls, fixing the mannequin. Sunita and I walk past him and he continues to glare at April.

"What's with that kid?" I ask her once we are out of earshot of him.

"Oh. That's just Baxter. He likes to try and scare me. He's had a few encounters with the brothers as well." She continues walking ahead of us, obviously unbothered. Sunita and I look at each other but say nothing.

We continue following April until she leads us to a small shop. Tons of clothes in every shape and color, and all are pajamas.

"If you two wanna go anywhere. It's here." April says, turning and walking backwards into the shop. Grinning at us. "I stumbled across this a while ago and found it interesting."

We walk up to the counter where a cashier sits behind it. He's in shorts and a T-shirt, stocking something behind him. His name tag reads 'Tucker.'

"Hey Tucker!" April smiles leaning on the counter. "I was wondering what your...special...was today." Sunita and I look confused.

Tucker nods and pulls a crank in the wall. Everything around us morphs and changes. It feels like we are falling for a moment before the room stops spinning.

Once I regain my balance using the counter, I gasp. The room is made up of beautiful colors with an array of purples, oranges, pinks, and yellows all along the walls. There is, not only comfortable clothing for different people, but also armor and weapons strapped to the wall.

Tucker pulls off his cloaking device and turns into a buffalo mutant. "Follow me." He says, leading the way.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" Sunita and I both say, confused.

Sunita pulls off her cloaking brooch and awes over the room. "I've never been able to find anything to house mutants before! Well... outside of the hidden city and the pizza place." She grazes a hand on one of the body armor pieces.

We walk into a changing room where Tucker stands behind a door.

"Hey Tucker! We need some hoodies if you wouldn't mind looking. Try finding some pink ones!" April says through the door.

We can hear Tucker walk away. Apparently finding our clothes for us.

"So! What do you think?" April sits back on one of the changing benches, Smiling.

"This is great!" I say. "Sho-should I take off the cloaking brooch?"

"Of course! Your with mutants now! You can take it off for a bit" April smiles at my joy.

I take the cloaking brooch off and stretch. It's good to be with my fellow mutants.

A Rose by Any Other NameWhere stories live. Discover now