The Purple Dragon Mission: [18](Donnie)

18 2 0

We follow her instructions and come upon a door padlocked.

"Keys?" I ask Kendra.

"Nope. Only my parents have them." She says shrugging despite the arms holding her up.

I have the others stand back as I fire one smaller rocket at the door. It explodes and the door slowly falls to the floor with a thud.

"Apparently no key needed." Leo says peeking in the door way.

Animals lined the walls, most look endangered or rare. Only few are seen as household pets.

"How could they do this to these animals?" Rose asks solemnly opening a parrot's crate.

I steal a glance at Kendra but she looks like she has no clue either.

We eventually get all the cages open and, with Raph and Leo's help, get them outside. Even though they are in the city now we can find a zoo to put them in.

I'm holding a monkey and a parrot on my head. A sugar glider is sitting perched on my shoulder. It snuggles into my warm neck and curls up into a small ball.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry

I slowly put Kendra up onto a pole. Her purple dragon jacket keeping her up stuck on the pole.

"HEY! DON'T LEAVE ME UP HERE!" She screams at us as we leave with the animals.

"Save it princess!" Rose yells back, which earns a fist bump from Leo.


"Well. Off to the zoo?" I ask them.

Rose nods excitedly as Leo makes a portal. I don't normally use Leo's portals but with Kendra watching us and these animals on our backs. It's the best thing at the moment.

We walk through the portal and for a moment are surrounded by blue waves. Making me sick.

We come out to see the zoo's entrance.

I see Leo celebrate in the corner with the seal in his arms bouncing around. The cockatoo on his shoulder cawing loudly.

We enter and put all the animals in their respective places. The birds in the bird exhibit, the penguins in the ice exhibit, and so on.

We come up on the red panda exhibit and Rose frowns. She holds up the red panda as it looks at her. Like all the other animals we put in the exhibits, they need medical attention. Which is why we brought them here.

"Mikey might be able to help her." I blurt out. The monkey on my chest chirps in agreement.

Rose cradles the red panda and sighs.

"Could I keep her? Would it be that big of a deal to you guys if I had a pet?" She asks not looking at me. Seemingly scared for an answer.

"I don't think any of us would have a problem with it. Maybe dad but after a while he won't care." I reassure her.

"You mean it?" Rose asks her eyes wide.

"Sure! She needs food and some medicine but Mikey could-" I stop short as she hugs me.

The money moves around onto my back in protest.

Again my face is bright red which I'm glad she can't see since she's a bit shorter than me. I slowly close my arms around her.

The sugar glider in my neck hops onto my head and starts making noises at Rose. The red panda perks up and makes some noises back.

They climb onto Roses back and start playing with each other.

"Ow ow!! Ok off! Off! That hurts!" She says crouching and letting them off.

They run around and play together, leaping on top of one another and spinning in circles.

"You know. The sugar glider could probably also use a friend." Rose says smiling.

I hide my face and nod.

"I've never had a pet. Only S.H.E.L.D.O.N." I put my hand down as my face cools.

"Why not start now?" Rose asks. "I already have a name for the red panda."

I raise an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"Cinder." She says happily.

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