Undercover: [9](Rose)

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I've been running for a few minutes now. It's dark out with the moon shining on my face. Baxter is on my shoulders like a child getting a piggy back ride. My legs hurt and my lungs are gasping for air. When will we stop!?

I unconsciously turn towards a store on my right. Slowing down as I approach the door. It's dark and after hours so no one is in there.

Baxter slides off my shell and walks up to the door. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a set of keys. He quickly unlocks it and opens the door, hiding behind it as it swings around.

Metal chains come through the door and wrap themselves around me. Tightening my arms to my sides and dragging me inside. I stay limp in the chains, still unable to control my body.

Baxter closes the door and starts laughing evilly. "So. You were April's friend at the mall earlier this morning hm?"

Yes. But you ruined our night no thanks to your stupid mutant ray. I think to myself.

"Ugh. This is so boring. I bet it would be more fun if you could talk." He says, spinning me around in the chains, looking at my shell. "That's a lot of goop I shot at you. No wonder why it's working for a boy your size."

Excuse me?! Are you calling me fat?! My head screams.

He must've seen a scowl on my face because he laughs. "Your not fat, just stupid and tall. The other turtles somehow always get out of my contraptions." He looks at me suspiciously. "But you will be a nice change of pace. Since your stupidity didn't let you duck out of the way of my ray."

I know it's bad but I want to punch this kid so badly.

"Anyway. Let me find a rag and that squeegee stuff." He snickers. Turning around and rummaging through the shelves. 

Once he finds a sponge and soap he flicks his wrist. The chains grab me by the arms and have me on my knees on the floor. My shell facing him so he can clean it.

As he wipes the goop off I can feel the fog lifting from my head, like a veil. I don't know how much he wiped off. But once I could feel my legs, I kicked out hard and fast. Hitting him in the stomach.

He lands into the shelf, begging for air. "Oh my god. That metal leg of yours is super strong." He says between gasps.

Oops. I forgot I was wearing that today.

I start struggling in the chains. Throwing my arms around and getting up onto my feet. I notice him press a button on the shelf in the corner of my eye, making the chains wrap tighter.

I scream in pain and anger. Now turning towards Baxter. He looks at me in terror as I charge towards him. The chains holding me back, only an inch from his face.

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