The Purple Dragon Mission: [13](Donnie)

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I watch as Rose stands and blocks the red panda from Kendra. This is such a bad idea but I follow. Standing beside her ready to fight Kendra.

"You both really shouldn't do this. Remember who has the bomb?" She smiled wickedly and holds up her phone.

On it is a code to set off the bomb before the timer runs out. The timer reads 1:25. One hour and twenty five minutes.

I sigh. Knowing we won't win this even if we defend the poor little creature. My blood boils for how Kendra, her parents or not, treat this animal. And maybe even others hiding in here.

I put a hand on Rose's shoulder and she looks at me. Terror in her eyes for the little animal.

I simply nod. Anything else I say could have Kendra set off the bomb.

Rose seems to die inside. Her light disappearing. She gently picks up the cage and brings it to Kendra.

In the cage the red panda starts grunting angrily at Kendra.

Kendra sneers and grabs hold of the cage. It takes a minute before Rose let's go.

"Now stay here and finish up that stupid computer. Don't get into anything else either." She slams the door shut and Rose falls to her knees.

I quickly run over to her and kneel beside her. I'm about to ask if she's ok when I see her eyes. They are filled with fire. So bright that that's all she seems to be thinking about. I've never seen this from her before. She's filled with anger for the red panda.

"We finish this. Now." she says, not even looking at me. Burning a hole through the floor.

"Yes. I'm almost done with the usb so once I finish that I can help you with the computer." I say getting up.

I reach a hand out for her to take it. She does so willingly. We stand up looking at the computer on the table.

"Work quickly." She says and moves to her portion of the computer.

This is scary. She is so mad. I don't know how to deal with this. Raph was angry once but after that he never yelled at us. So this is very new to me. I don't know if I should try and comfort her or get out of her way.

Rose throws a sharp scrap metal at the camera. It sparks and dies.

I think I'll leave her alone.

I collect the usb parts and move to the table with her. Using my wrist pad to type the code into the usb.

At the same time I send an alert quickly to Leo. Telling him about the bomb and the possible location. Knowing that the purple dragons will probably intercept it I use Leo's secret twin code he made up when we were kids. I agreed once that we were twins and now he will never let it go. We aren't even twins either. But it makes him happy so...

I make sure to add how hopeless we feel. But with the code make sure to mention this is just a gag. Hopefully Leo gets this. And comes up with some plan to help us out. Otherwise this bomb could destroy the city.

I'm just an hour and twenty minutes.

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