The Reminiscent Gala: [3](Rose)

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I watch as April goes in for hugs from Raph and takes a cookie from Mikey. 

Yea. They are a lot closer than I thought they were.

I hear someone creeping up behind me. Leo lately has been trying to scare me but he's never been able to. I always hear him before he launches his attack and scares me. Mikey joined in once but felt it wasn't "his thing" so he stopped.

Leo gets about seven inches away from me. He probably knows that I'm staying still purposefully so I can jump-scare him. But he won't expect this.

I hear him go for my legs and I leap up and land behind him. He rolls onto his back to push me off so I grab his swords and pin him to the floor. Smiling.

He looks at me with shock in his eyes for a moment. Then smirks, holding his hands up.

"You got me good this time. I will scare you one day though." He says getting up.

"Yea. Keep dreaming." I say handing him his swords.

"Mhm. And what are you gonna do once I do finally scare you?" He asks now leaning on his sword.

I raise an eyebrow and give him the same sass back. Putting a hand on my hip and leaning on my mechanic foot.

"Yea. You won't ever scare me. You have zero stealth. How else can I hear you coming up behind me. Best chance, you teleport under me." I say walking away to follow April and Sunita to Donnie's room.

"Oh. Like this?" He asks. 

Instantly I regret mentioning that.

A blue portal opens up under me.

I grunt as I fall through. Reaching for the other end of the portal but failing.

I notice Leo under me ready to catch me. 


I know exactly what he's doing. He's trying to make me fall for him by trying to be flirty. Yea. No thanks. Just because you have charm doesn't mean that your not always going without thinking.

I fall closer to him and think of what to do. I can't get out without hurting him. But he is not gonna catch me.

I pull my arms out above my head and start doing a back-flip. Leo is startled and start to follow me.

But I land on my feet facing away from him. Splinter has been teaching me a few things like air tricks. Once he realized that I was staying with them he said that I need proper training. So every day around lunch, if there isn't a mission, I've been learning from him.

I look over my shoulder and smirk at him. 

"Better luck next time, prince charming." I say finally. Finding Donnie's room with my eyes and finding the others.

In the doorway something moves in the corner of my eye.

I look but I don't see anything in the dark. I shrug. And continue on. Can't leave the girls waiting.

April is so excited about this movie so I'm pretty excited about watching it. Sunita might've seen it but I wouldn't know. We should try inviting her to our sleepover!

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