The Reminiscent Gala: [14](Donnie)

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I fix my tie and adjust my shrinken staff in my pocket. I told everyone to hide their weapons in case something happens while we are there.

Raph and the others are set up in the turtle tank so I'm waiting for Rose outside. 

I hope this plan works. 

Mikey's dishes look flawlessly like the picture and Raph already looks like a security guard. I just hope Leo doesn't screw anything up when he's telling Rose what to do.

I hear April and Rose giggling as they round the corner into the garage.

Rose looks...


Her dress looks fantastic on her. Making her glow in the garage lights.

She sees me and smiles. Once April and Rose make it to me I don't know what to do.

Leo beats me to it running out of the tank.

"M-lady." He says grabbing her hand.

Then places a light kiss on the back of her hand.

"Leo. Really?" She says laughing.

"But! You look beautiful!" Leo says smiling.

"Agreed." I say smiling. Unsure if I'm being too awkward or anything about this.

Rose smiles shyly at me.

"Alright you ding dongs get in the tank and go!" April laughs pushing Rose forward.

"Ding dongs?!" The three of us repeat.

"Well I would've said love birds but..." April shrugs smiling wickedly.

"NOPE!" We all say in unison and rush into the truck.

Leo stops in the door way and hangs out looking back at April.

"When you say love birds..." 

I yank him by his bandana into the truck. Leo flailing the whole time. April laughing hysterically outside the turtle tank.

"OW! I WAS JUST WONDERING!" Leo yells at me smiling but still mad.

"I was just saving you the trouble. We both know that any way that conversation goes will end terribly." I smile and go sit down.

Leo stands up grunting. He brushes off his suit and sits next to me. 

"You know, you need to make some move or she won't get it. In fact she's oblivious enough that she won't even notice whatever you do." Leo puts his feet up on the dashboard.

Gesturing with his hand to the back of the tank where Mikey and Rose are having fun. Talking about either food or their fashion sense.

I pick up his shoe with his foot and drop it onto the center console. Leo grips his ankle silently screaming.

"I will take your advice but you have to show me." I say looking back to the road.

Leo smiles and starts to say something. 

"And without ANY OF LEO'S RIZZ!" I point at him.

He frowns and pouts in the chair.

"Hey Donnie? Don't mean to interrupt your... Whatever. But what do we do when we get there?" Raph asks me.

"We are gonna have to skip the red carpet entrance and go in through the back. Rose however is going through the front." I say smiling.


Raph kicks his chair and Leo turns to glare at Raph.

Raph puts a finger over his mouth.

Leo waits for an answer from me.

I simply smile evilly at him.

Leo growls. "I'm so getting payback." 

"Worth it." I smile.

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