The Reminiscent Gala: [15](Rose)

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We pull up to the nearby parking lot and get set up for the Gala. Donnie passing out the small earbuds that we put into our masquerade masks so it doesn't look like we can hear anything.

"Where am I entering?" I ask putting the earbud onto my mask. Hiding it in between feathers.

"Oh. The front if that's ok. I need you to be seen by Big Mama and that's the best way to do it." Donnie says climbing back into the front seat.

I almost drop my mask. "Say what now?"

"Don't worry. Be yourself and the camera's will love you." Leo says putting his elbow on my shoulder. "I'm gonna be walking you through it all so don't worry." He winks at me.

"Oh great I'm feeling better already." I roll my eyes and force a smile.

"Don't worry Rose. I like to think it's every possible friend you meet in the short span of a flash!" Mikey says, sitting criss cross in the chair.

"You'll do great Rose." Raph says smiling. 

Everyone goes silent and looks at Donnie.

"Oh, uh. My turn? You look good and you go girl." Donnie says giving me a thumbs up.

His brothers all glare at him. I giggle.

"What? You guys said all the good things! What was I supposed to say?" He asks feeling victimized. 

Leo rolls his eyes and takes his elbow off my shoulder.

"What Donnie is trying to say is you will do great." Mikey says patting my back.

We pull up to the entrance and the door to the turtle tank opens. Every Yokai turns to the entrance of the tank with their camera's poised.

"Go get 'em tiger!" Leo says and pushes me out the door.

I'm instantly hit with flashing lights on all sides. Reporters asking a million questions as I try to get out the door. The turtle tank drives off behind me and I stare blankly into the crowd.

I start trying to push through the crowd saying "excuse me" and "sorry." It's like being pulled through the ocean with the waves trying to push you back.

Suddenly someone scoops under my arm and pushes me through the crowd. 

We both make it to the door and I brush my dress off. I lift my head to say thank you to my savior when I freeze in my tracks.

It's Ryan.

He's all dressed up in a suit and tie with his red and yellow scales complimenting his mask in his pocket. The blue eyes only a simple reminder of that night.

So instead of thanking him I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow.

"Wow. No hello? Not even a 'thank you' Doll?" He asks smiling.

"Don't call me 'Doll.'" I stroll in through the door into the ballroom.

"Hey. I got you out of there. Can't we put that whole thing behind us?" He follows me.

"Wow someone is feeling desperate." I walk over to the food table and pour a cup of punch.

"I could've not helped you. Where would you be now if I didn't exist?" He asks me frowning.

I turn around sipping from my punch. I look him up and down.

"Not talking to you now that's for sure." I lean against the table smiling.

Ryan leans back himself and looks up at the ceiling. "We're playing that game huh? Alright. I can play the game."

He looms over me, putting his hands on the table beside each side of my body. He grins at me as I put my punch down on the table.

"You don't intimidate me." I lean back into the table fully waiting for him to get off of me. 

I cross my arms in between us so he can't get any closer to me.

"I don't want to intimidate you." Ryan says looking at my lips.

"Excuse me." Someone says behind Ryan.

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