Chapter 11 (Rose)

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Donnie and I are weaving between buildings and following Mikey and Raph to their home. I see glimpses of Leo's portals and he seems to be getting closer to Donnie and I as we fly.

Donnie notices me looking at where Leo's last portal was and grins.

"It's a good thing you didn't go with him. He could've dropped you in a lake by accident you know?" Donnie chuckles.

I look at him confused. "But he said he could teleport us straight there?" This seemed to make him laugh. I cross my arms. They don't seem to have much respect for Leo... why?

"Yea so he would already be home right now not teleporting near us." Donnie says once he stops laughing. "He is still trying to figure out how to portal long distance on that thing so doing this," he gestures to the portal that opened up as Leo dove to the ground. "Is apparently more safer."

I gasp as Leo plummets to the ground. At the very last second he opens a portal under him with his sword and the process starts again.

"Why doesn't he just teleport onto a roof and not plummet into a busy street?" I say although I think I already know that answer.

"He usually does but why he's plummeting to his doom each time? Probably to get you to notice him. Although if I were in your shoes I would just see it as another reason why I shouldn't have gone with him." Donnie smiles as he seems to remember a funny memory.

But his smile fades as he gets a beep on his watch.

He looks at it confused and taps it for a bit.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

Donnie looks up confused. "It says we are being followed..."

"Followed? Who's following us?" Startled I try not to look around because they can probably see us.

Donnie taps his watch and leans his mouth to it. "Mikey. We need you to come back here we have something to discuss."

The watch talks back to him with Mikey's voice. "No problem." It reply's.

Soon enough Mikey appears next to us making me jump.

"What's up Dee?" Mikey says as he bobs up and down. Trying to keep level with us as he's using his weapon to swing from building to building.

Donnie gets his head low. "We need a formation T." He says looking at Mikey.

Mikey looks confused but nods as he rushes to Raph to tell him.

"Formation T?" I ask looking from Mikey to Donnie.

"It's a precaution in case someone is following us." Donnie says and contacts Leo on his watch. "Hey Leo we need a formation T. Think you can try and stay steady with that sword of yours?"

The watch reply's with static.

Now that I think about it. I haven't seen Leo's portals for a while. Donnie seems to notice that too and tries the watch again.

"Leo! Do you copy?" He says a little more urgently.

Static comes back again.

"This isn't good." Donnie says pausing in the air.

We swivel around looking for something or someone. Donnie checks his watch again.

"I can calibrate where Leo is because his watch has a tracking device. I have a feeling his portal might have taken him somewhere. Or he's busy." Donnie says. "I need you to keep a keen eye out while I try to find Leo and whoever is following us. Because it's definitely not Leo."

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