Chapter 23 (Donnie)

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Mikey and I are walking around the junkyard making sure not to go too close to the center where Repo is. Mikey is looking around with my wrist pad trying to get a good frequency. I gave the wrist pad to Mikey because he wanted to try looking for the mystic piece. 

Mikey stops and taps my wrist pad.

"It stopped working." He says and holds it out to me.

"That's weird." I say as I turn around and take it. "The frequency must be really strong here. Let's try looking for it around here." 

Mikey and I start rummaging through the car stacks. For a few minutes we have no luck. 

I use my wrist pad to try and check in with the other's. "Hey Leo, Raph. Any luck finding it?" I ask and get back static. 

Thats not good. The frequency must be strong enough to block out my calls means this piece could be bigger than the others we have found before.

Maybe it could be a chest piece? But how would we know when we find it if it would look like metal like the rest of the junk here?

I put my thoughts aside and keep rummaging through the wrecks. Repo should be busy feeding his cat or counting his money so he shouldn't hear us.

Mikey grunts to my right. "A little help?" He asks as he pulls on something. 

I come over and help him grab whatever he's holding. We fall backwards and pull out a large glove. It looks like the one the weather forecast worm has.

Mikey looks at me proud. "I found it Dee!" 

"Indeed you did." Repo the mantis says as he comes out from behind so large car stacks with a giant backhoe that human's use for construction sites. "Thanks for finding it for me! That saves the work for me just getting it to the foot clan for profit." 

The claw at the tip of the backhoe comes down on top of us. I flip around and cover Mikey when a red flash apears above us.

Raph is standing over us holding the claw up with his red mystic powers. 

"GO!" He yells as Mikey and I rush out of the way. 

The claw on the backhoe shoves Raph into the ground. Repo makes it rear back and tries to hit him again when Leo comes in with a portal. 

The claw goes through the portal and hits the side of the backhoe. It bumps and almost makes it tip over. He yells at Leo and turns and rushes after him towards the center of the Junkyard.

Mikey gets his mystic weapon ready and follows after them. 

I pull out my hover shell and do the same.

We follow them in front of the bus where Raph is trying to hold the claw down and Mikey is trying to use his weapon to wrap up the machine. Leo keeps trying to make a portal so he can turn it off using his hand through the portal.

I swoop around and land on top of the machine and try to reach in and grab the handle. The backhoe shakes and I get pushed off. I quickly jump back and try to get my staff stuck in the wheels. 

I hear Rose scream something at me warning me. 

I turn around and see a cobra mutant come at me with his mouth open. I raise my arm and duck to get out of the way.

He bites my arm and I shout in pain. My arm drops the staff and I fall to my knees. I look at my arm and it's covered in green liquid which is making my arm veins bulge. 

My arm is cramping up and It hurts so much. I can't move it and my breathing is getting raspy. 

I see the cobra mutant bounce back ready to strike again but the whole world is tilting out from under me. 

I use my staff and stand up with my head pounding. I take a defensive stance ready to defend myself.

Suddenly a purple cloud surrounds him. I use my staff to support myself standing up and try to move away. But my body freezes up and I fall to the ground. 

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