The Reminiscent Gala: [20](Donnie)

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Wow. That just happened.

I'm slowly staggering to the snack bar, trying very hard not to fall over.

This feeling is new. I don't know if I like it!

It's like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. My face is on fire and my stomach is doing somersaults.

I use the table for support as I catch my breath. Why is it so hard for me to breath???

I turn around and spot Rose following Big Mama into the back. Her mask missing.

That's not good.

I start to follow when Ryan steps in front of me.

He sneers down at me. He's a good inch taller than me a pretty intimidating when he stretches even taller.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "What do you want." I say sarcastically.

"Your other arm." Ryan spits.

"Ha. Ha." I laugh monotone. "I was gonna say the same thing about my left arm."

This catches Ryan off guard and he snarls, "You stay away from Rose."

"Make me." I pull out my staff from my pocket. I'm not backing down now. Even if it means my other arm is at stake.

"Gladly." Ryan licks his tooth and advances.

I use my staff and put it in his mouth. Flipping him over me and him landing on the snack table. Punch and horderves go flying into the air as Ryan falls.

The rest of the guests notice us fighting and start leaving. A few screaming.

Raph notices as well from his position on the wall and rushes over.

Ryan gets up from the ground, leaning forward holding his arm.

"Looks like we're even." I gesture to his arm which is cut from the shattered punch bowl.

Ryan moved his hand revealing blood and hisses. He faces me again and goes straight for me.

I twirl my staff in front of me to defend myself when Raph jumps over me in his gaint red form.

He blocks Ryan from me and throws him towards a wall with his arm.

Ryan hits his back into the wall and falls to the floor.

"Sorry Ryan. But I'm not letting you hurt Dee again." Raph wipes his nose going back to normal size.

Leo and Mikey join us soon after with their weapons drawn.

"Nice going Dee. Now we have a snake problem, and a rodent problem." Leo complains as Big Mama's bellhops surround us.

"Oh please. We dealt with more at the Purple Dragon's base. This is nothing." I say pressing buttons on my staff. "The real problem here is getting to Rose."

Mikey looks at the back stage and frowns. "I can grab her. But that means leaving you guys to fend for yourselves."

"We'll be fine Mikey. Now go!" Raph says pushing a fox bellhop off him.

Mikey swings with his weapon over the other bellhops into the back stage area. Multiple bellhops following him.

I rush around and hit them down with my staff so they don't make it to Mikey.

An owl bull hop avoids my staff and hits me in the back. I tumble to the ground with my staff too far for me to reach.

The owl and otter bellhops close in on me.

"LEO, RAPH! GET DOWN!" I shout as I press a button on my shell.

I watch as they get down to the ground as I initiate the flash bang.

With my eyes closed I could see it. All the bellhops groan as they hold their eyes. Thankfully my flash bang worked and they are blinded.

"Come on!" I get up, grabbing my staff and rushing to get to Mikey and Rose.

"You could've done that before? WE HAVE FOUGHT WHEN YOU COULD HAVE JUST USED THAT?!" Leo yells angrily.

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