Chapter 4: Ashton

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"Where did Calum go?" I asked Michael.

"I don't know, he just ran off." He shrugged, and went over to sit with that Di Angelo kid, they seemed to be becoming good friends. Not that I'm jealous or anything, I just wondered how he could get along with someone as dark as him.

Out of nowhere, Calum ran over to the Aphrodite kids, with a red-eyed Belle behind him.

"Get the fuck over here, Darius." He growled. Apparently, the guy known as 'Darius' walked over to him, with that look on his face that read- I'm so much cooler than you. Weeeeellllll- obviously he's not! We're fucking 5 Seconds of Summer! He had annoyingly perfect, quiffed bleach blonde hair, and cruel brown eyes.

"Ah, Calum Hood- in the poppy Aussie boy band, correct?" he smirked the question.

"Fuck off, we're fucking punk rock, you asshole." He growled.

"Oh, I meant no insult-"

"Why did you break Belle's heart?" he growled the questioned.

"Oh- you know. I moved on. So should she." He said casually.

Calum pushed him hard in the chest, and Darius fell over onto the ground.

"No one should ever break someone else's heart." He hissed, his eyes burning with anger. I knew he could be sassy at times, but I had never seen him so mad like he had been. Suddenly something seriously weird happened. A glowing boar's head glowed in hot red over his head.

He looked above his head in confusion, and tried swatting it away. Everyone gasped in astonishment at the symbol.

Chiron clopped over, "All hail Calum Thomas Hood, son of Ares, god of war."

I only had two thoughts- WHAT THE HADES JUST HAPPENED. And I'm hanging out with these demigod people too much- I'm even catching onto their forms of "curse" language.

Yeah, Calum has muscle and all that, but he never seemed like a bully, like the Ares kids I met today.

Calum looked shocked, his face was filled with pure horror.

Well, things just got interesting.

Hope you enjoyed that little chapter!!! (I wrote it btw) (Yeah no shit Liv you wouldn't be writing the authors note if you didn't -Tova), and I'm super excited to share it with you. Much more coming soon, just so you know. Expect more amazingness coming this summer now that Ms. Tova and I aren't busy, so be prepared for feels and Solangelo... yeah, I should start writing that. So enjoy this fantastic fan fiction (well, fantastic is an overstatement, more like pretty good, but goddamnit we're trying) So thanks lovelies, have a great day and fangirl/fanboy on.

- Olivia

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