Chapter 36: Michael

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"So Calum, anything happen yesterday? You weren't at the campfire." I smirked.

"Yes, actually. Belle's my girlfriend now." he smiled at the words.

"No way! CALUM'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled, running to grab Luke and Ashton.

"Shut the fuck up." Calum muttered.

"What?" Luke asked.


"No way." Ashton laughed, and began to chant along, and so did Luke, all of us beginning to run around the camp, chanting it around the tables, earning strange looks.

"What are you screaming about?" Belle asked, walking over with her hair in messy curls, a sweatshirt, Calum's at that, and jean shorts.

"Haven't you heard? Calum's got a girlfriend!" I screamed with a smile and she began to blush.

"You didn't have to go around screaming about it." She mumbled as Calum walked over, wrapping his arm around her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Sorry about them." He whispered into her ear along with other things I couldn't hear, but whatever they were, Belle was smiling and blushing like mad.

"Calum! There's people..." she muttered, still smiling. He kept whispering things in her ears, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, he holding onto his hands that were wrapped around her waist, her cheeks becoming dark pink.

"I'll leave you two alone if shit is about to go down." I said holding my hands up and slowly backing away.

"Very funny." Calum sarcastically stated before giving Belle a light kiss on the lips and her walking over to the Athena table, sitting down next to someone I didn't really know.

"Did you get some last night?" I joked.

"no, we literally just started dating." He defended.

"you're already showing mega PDA, you'll have been laid within a week." I predicted, rolling my eyes.

"Oh shut up." He muttered before walking over to the Aries table sitting next to Clarisse.

"He's gonna get laid." I repeated once he was out of an earshot.

Running from the Daylight//5sos and Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now