Chapter 21: Caspian

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(Caspian again sorry not like her last chapter was the longest shit I've written in a while and that she's already had a shit ton of chapters)

I awoke in Ashton's arms to a pounding at my door.

"Caspian! Ashton! Get your asses up you've missed enough meals already," Belle yelled from outside.

"We'll be out in a minute," Ashton yelled back before pulling the covers off us. "Come on Caspian, you've gotta be a little hungry right?"

"Not really but I'll come anyways," I replied, ignoring the small pit in my stomach beginning to grow at the mention of food. Ashton pulled me up onto my feet before we both began to walk to the door.
"You know what, hop on," the tall boy offered. I quickly jumped and he carried me to dinner on his back. He set me down just before we got there so we just walked hand in hand the rest of the way. I saw Percy already at the table with Michael and turned to Ash and asked,

"Ash could you sit with me for tonight, please?"

"Of course, babe," He replied with a smile. We sat down, ignoring the dirty looks Percy was giving me.

He obviously isn't happy Ashton and I are back together, but if it weren't for him none of this shit would've happened.

"Ashton shouldn't you be at the Apollo table instead of over here with my sister?" Percy harshly stated, obviously wanting him out of the way for whatever he wanted to tell me, since I'm sure he's got some more bullshit to spill.

"Hey mate the man can sit with his girl if he wants to, chill," Michael interjects, flashing us a small grin. Percy responded with silence, finally keeping his mouth shut for once. I was pretty sure Michael knew about what Percy did to Ashton and I but I don't think he knows the whole truth.

"You know what, I'm sitting with Annabeth," Percy snapped before getting up and leaving.

"Thank the fucking gods," I mumbled while picking at the small plate of food.

"Please eat something babe," Ashton pleaded, looking down at my practically untouched plate.

"Fine," I mumbled, taking a small bite before setting the fork back down. Ashton smiled before Michael coughed, trying to get our attention.

"You know as much as I love you guys cut out the lovey dovey shit for right now, it's making me sick," Mike chuckled before going back to eating.

"You're gonna have to get used to it," Ashton replied with a laugh.

"Shut up I've already got Nico and Will I don't need you two too."

"True, true," Ashton laughed before continuing to eat. As soon as the two boys finished Ashton and I got up to leave, not even wanting to stay for the campfire.

"What are you guys just gonna leave me here to fend for myself?" Michael chuckled sarcastically.

"Oh go find Cecil, we all know you're into her," Ashton chirpily replied.

"Is it really that obvious?" Michael questioned with a nervous tone in his voice.

"Yeah but it's pretty fucking obvious she likes you too so go for it," Ashton told the colored haired boy.

"You know what, maybe I will," He says with a confident smile before running off.

"Let's get out of here, I honestly don't even want to stay for the campfire," Ashton offers.

"Yeah," I replied quietly, losing my usual urge to talk into oblivion. I suddenly see Belle rush up to us.

"Have you seen Calum around?" Belle asked frantically.

"No, why?" I ask in return

"I-I'm just worried about him, that's all..." she shrugged, "just tell me if you see him, okay?" I nodded and she added a small smile before rushing off again.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna go check and see if Calum's at his cabin, Belle seems pretty worried about him."

"Okay, I'll see you later," I replied, pecking him on the lips before heading back to my cabin.

Hi guys I hope you liked this chapter since it's a lot happier than the last ones. Don't expect it to last though, Olivia and I seem to take a passion in making our characters lives miserable even though they're just a bunch of sunshines. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Tova xx

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