Chapter 25: Calum (again yeah I know)

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  A few weeks later I had been sitting alone in my bed, going over today's schedule over and over again in my brain so I wouldn't miss more practice than I already had.

I was just pulling on my shirt when Belle walked into the room.

"You look terrible." I noticed as she walked into my empty cabin; there were dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a mess. She kind of looked like the girl from the ring with more of a tan.

"Nightmares." she said blankly, sitting down on the bed opposite to me.


"It's all Darius... I can't forget anything no matter how hard I try." she dug her face in her hands, sighing deeply.

"He's still causing your nightmares?" I asked.
"I don't think they're ending any time soon either.

"What was so bad about Darius? I understood that he broke your heart, but I feel he had to of done something worse." I asked.

"It's a long story, you wouldn't want to know." she shrugged.

"You can tell me, believe me I want to hear."

"It took me so long to even tell Caspian, it hurts so much to talk about and you'll think so much less of me." she uttered.

"Please." I whispered.

"Are you sure?"


She took in a deep breath before starting. "Darius was more than just an asshole who broke up with me, he was more like a demon. He did a lot of things I didn't want him to do. He made me think I was special for a good few weeks, bringing gifts and hugs and kisses... he made me want to stay. Then one night, we were in his cabin and it was getting to a point where we were mostly undressed and I wasn't thinking. When I pulled my head back out of the clouds I realized I wasn't ready so I tried to push him off... he refused to stop. He wouldn't let me push him off, he wouldn't listen. I cried and screamed, but he covered my mouth; he was ten times stronger than I was. I try to block out everything after that. I felt like I couldn't tell anyone, and he threatened that if I did, he said he'd ruin me. I was too scared to leave at this point. He continued with his game of pushing me too far and I remained scared, no one would believe me... and everyone would believe him. I feared I would be called a whore, a slut, something I knew I wasn't. On one of the worst nights,I tried pushing him off one more time and he hit me. He taunted me and called me names and using his stupid voice convinced me I was worthless and deserved this. That he was the best I was getting. It continued for weeks longer to the point where I started believing him. I stayed because of the threats, but worst of all I stayed because sometimes he'd be kind and convince me he loved me... I was in so deep and scared so much that I let him keep going. Then he got sick of me being his toy and he dumped me. He left me with bruises and blood and tears not giving a shit. He claimed I was too skinny for him anyway, that I was too ugly, too terrible, too useless for the glory that was him. Three nights later I met you, and at that point basically anything would've triggered a load of tears and made me break down. You really saved me." she finished before breaking down in tears. I ran over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace, shushing her sobs.

"Breath." I said as she choked on her air.

"I'm sorry." she managed between gasps.

"You have nothing to be sorry for he was awful to you and you in no way possible deserved any of that, you hear me?" I barked forcefully.

"You mean you don't think less of me for being so fucking weak-"

"You had no choice, Belle. You can't think like that or it'll only get worse. Those lies were embedded in your head and I'm here to dig them out, I'm not going to let him, or this, or anything hurt you again, do you hear me?"

"I-I don't know how to respond. I thought you'd hate me." she croaked.

"I don't, I never could." I whisper, letting her sob into my chest for a few more minutes before she calmed down, now laying her head down on my lap.

A few minutes later, "Calum?" she asked quietly.

"Yes?" I ask.

"What's this?" she asked, sitting up, still in my lap, grabbing my arm and pulling up my sleeve.

"Belle don't-" but it was too late. Healing cuts were in her vision and there was no stopping that.

"Oh god, Calum... no, no, no. When did you do this? Do you miss home that much? I'm so fucking sorry that you were taken away. You could've told me and I would've helped you. I can't let you continue with this, and I'll do whatever it takes to heal you okay?" she stumbled out, placing her hands on my face as she moved her body onto my own.

"I'm nearly a month clean, Belle. You helped me without knowing it."
"But I didn't notice, I'm a terrible friend, I'm so sorry." she mutters, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Don't feel bad, this wasn't your fault." I assured, holding her tighter.

"I hadn't made you so sad you did any of this right?"
"You stabbed at my heart a little, but you stitched it up just fine." I whisper.

"Promise you'll stop, I need to hear that you won't do this."

"I promise," I assure.

"Okay." she uttered, holding me closer.

"Okay." (I'm such fucking John Green trash SORRY)

She stayed in my arms for a bit more before she fell asleep after the hours she must have missed.

I wanted to cuddle her close to my chest and pull the covers over our bodies, but out of my respect for her, I didn't. I carry her to her cabin, laying her down on her bed and gently placing blankets over her body and kissing her forehead before leaving.

I was hopelessly in love.

Hey guys! Hope ya liked the chapter... sorry we haven't updated in 80000 years. Love ya, have a great day, eat some cake.


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