Chapter 58: more calum cause that's all olivia wrote

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 I walked up to Ashton who was smiling brightly, his arm wrapped around Caspian.

"Hey, mate, what's u-" I punched him.

I actually punched him square in the jaw, kicking him to the ground away from Caspian who was trying to force me off him, as I was now pinning him to the ground.

"YOU FUCKING DID THIS! SHE'S GONE BECAUSE WHAT YOU DID! YOU KNEW I LOVED HER AND YOU DID THIS? FUCK YOU! FUCK YOUR FUCKING FACE AND FUCKING FUCK THIS MOTHERFUCKING SITUATION!" I screamed out, and the look of pure shock on his face was enough of a distraction so Caspian could rip me off him.

"What's gotten into you?" Caspian screeched, pulling me off a shell-shocked Ashton.

"Belle's gone, and this dickhead was the one that made her-" I went for another punch, but Caspian shoved me back.

"She's what now?" he asked.

"You told her to get out, and I don't know why or how, but she listened to you. You ruined everything." I growled.

"Cal, I have no idea what you're talking about, I never talked to Belle, I've been doing nothing the past few days but rest."

"Don't play innocent and tell me why you did this. I love her with all my heart and you make her leave me? Is this some kind of joke to you?" I scream out, prepared to punch him all over again, but Caspian held me back.

"I swear to the gods that I didn't say a thing to make her want to leave, I've been blackout sick the past few days and I thought I was just asleep most of the days. I-I don't know what else to tell you." his voice was shaking and no matter how mad I was, I believed him.


"You look like you need a friend." A girl with a short brown hair adds before sitting next to me.

"Well, I'm having a bit of a rough day." I say, my voice rough from past screaming.

"I've heard a bit... understatement of the year, buddy. Talk about it, you'll feel better."
"It's my fault," I blurt out, unthinking, not even caring at this point, "She was leaving and I did nothing to stop her-"
"By the sounds of it you couldn't."

"It's been days and I feel as if I've failed her, whatever she left for I couldn't stop therefore this is my fault, I've ruined her, I ruined us."

"Believe me, people can do a lot of terrible things, and you... you are not one of them."
"How would you know?"
"Because I've known a lot of terrible people and you... you could never be one."

"Thanks for the advice, but I still feel like shit." I was still drunk from the shots earlier, and staring at her lips was slowly but surely building up tension I couldn't describe... maybe it was because her features reminded me of Belle or her soft spoken advice... I just needed a distraction.

"My name is Nadine, by the way." She added. She was the one Michael was friends with, never knew her name, though... or anything else really.

But I leaned in to kiss her only to earn a slap on the face.

"Oh my god, I knew you were a douchebag, but not to this extent. Your girlfriend disappears and you give up on her completely! You're sick! And I was trying to be your friend because I thought maybe you needed one, not every female wants to get in your pants, there are such endangered creatures known as fucking homosexuals." She snapped angrily.

"Oh," I blushed, feeling guilty, "you're... um... uh-"

"yes lesbian. I like boobs, vaginas turn me on, get over it! The real question is why would any good human do this to Belle, who was faithful to the extent of almost killing herself when you were away-"


"Whilst you were off being tortured, Belle thinking you were dead, she tried to kill herself and you would never know-"

"Did you have a crush on her or something?" I interrupted harshly.

"No, Belle was an incredible girl and I knew her strength. Lesbian doesn't mean attracted to every girl they see, it means attracted to fellow girls interested in girls... most of the time, but you get my damn point." She explained in a rush.

"I'm sorry okay, I just wanted to know. I tried to kiss you because I was caught up and I miss her!" I defended.

"That's an incredibly shitty excuse. You barely know me, seriously, name my cabin." She said blankly.

"Um... I, uh-"


"You live in that cabin? Michael never mentioned you-"

"It's because he's respectful and I asked him not to. I don't live in that cabin anyways, I sleep in my friend's cabin, she's Iris, it's a lot more homey than the mostly empty black and green cave."

"You prefer the goddess of the rainbow's cabin?" I asked.

"If you make a joke out of that-"

"I won't, I won't. It's just a statement-"

"Why am I even fucking talking to you. Goodbye, sir. Scumbag, have a nice life." She rolled her eyes, getting up, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Hold up and let me explain myself at least!" I snapped.

"What do you have to explain? I tried to be nice to you and then, like a asshole, you tried to kiss me. You have no reasoning for that."

"You reminded me of her, I'm pining, this is how I cope. I'm really scared for her life right now and I feel like if I can't distract myself I'll go mad! One little thing of yours reminded me of her and I wanted to pretend she was still here, goddammit! I just really fucking miss her!" I screamed, and she went silent.

"What reminded you of her?"

"The soft spoken advice you were giving... Belle did that all the time." I uttered.

Her facial expression softened, "I know you mean well, but I really need to go." she ends the conversation there and rushes off.

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