Chapter 39: Luke

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"I'm sorry, Mike," I mumbled before running off, back turned, not wanting them to see tears slowly starting to trickle down my cheeks. I heard him call out for me but I didn't go back. This whole time we've been here they've made new friends, gotten girlfriends, and their own little lives, but not me. It's been almost three whole months and every time I tried make friends it seemed like they didn't want me there, not even the other Apollo kids seemed to even try to make me feel wanted. I guess ever since the band I've never really had to make friends. I thought I'd always have Michael, Calum, and Ashton by my side, but now I'm not so sure. I fiddled with my lip ring as I walked aimlessly through the forest. I kicked the pebbles around, not wanting to go back to the cabin but also not wanting to go to any of the activities. I kept walking, caking my shoes with mud, not paying attention to where I was wandering until I bumped into someone, both of us tumbling to the ground.

"S-sorry," I heard a girl mutter. I looked up to see it was my brother's "girlfriend" Caspian.

"It's okay, it was my fault anyways, wasn't really looking where I was walking. Wasn't really expecting anyone else to be out here," I replied, helping her back up.

"Me neither..."

"So how come you're out here instead of at training?"

"Shouldn't you be at training as well?" She snapped back.

"I asked first," I said teasingly.

"A lot on my mind, needed some space to clear my head, you?"

"Same thing, wanna talk about it?" I asked, trying to maybe make a friend.

"I need advice, that's what I need. You're Ashton's brother and best friend, maybe you could help?" She asked tentatively as we both sat down under one of the larger trees.

"Of course! What's up? Did y'all get into a fight?"

"No, I'm just-I'm scared Luke. I'm scared because almost every time I've let someone into my life they've left me in pieces. I'm scared Ashton's going to do the same thing. I want more, I want a relationship, I want a life with him -fuck I love him- but I've been to scared to ask for anything more than what we have, I just don't want to get hurt."

"Ashton's head over heels for you, Caspian, he never stops talking about you, whenever you're around he's got a permanent smile etched on his face. I can see it in his eyes, he's madly in love with you, and that's coming from someone who's known him for years," I told her honestly.

"Thanks Luke, you really think so?"
"Without a shadow of a doubt."
"So enough with me, what's bugging you? How come you're out here?"

"Ever since I came here the boys have been growing really distant, and I'm scared too Caspian. These guys are my best mates and in the years we've known each other they've never been this distant, they seem to only talk to each other. I'm scared they've gotten bored of me, that they realized how annoying I am, that I'm not as mature as them. The whole time I've been here I've yet to make a friend. Not even the other Apollo kids try to talk to me, they just ignore me. I guess nobody likes annoying, chubby Luke Hemmings," I sobbed, remembering how I used to be before I met the boys. All the bullies, their mean words, I may have been young but they never went away. She wrapped her arms around me and we sat in silence for a little while.

"Wow Luke, I never knew you felt like this, I don't think anyone did," She whispered, looking straight into my tear-filled eyes.

"I've been trying to bottle it up, the others have enough problems, they don't need the added stress of mine. I've been trying to keep on smiling, cracking jokes, being the silly guy they know me as. But even that's stopped working. Michael yelled at me, not in a joking way like we normally do, but in a 'I fucking hate you I never want to see you again' kind of way. In the whole time we've been friends he's never done that. He knows I hate being yelled at, it makes me feel scared and unwanted. I just-I guess he forgot, or maybe I'm just that annoying, but I think Michael hates me now, h-he told me I was stupid and that I didn't even try to make friends and-" I continued before Caspian cut me off.

"Luke you're not unimportant or annoying! You're a sweet, kind guy who does anything to cheer up his friends. I know Michael doesn't hate you, you've been best friends for years and years, one argument isn't going to come between that. I can see you care about them more than you care about yourself, and I know how you feel. I invest myself that deep in anyone I get close to, I take it you've been pretty friendless most of your life too?" I nodded before she continued,"It's amazing you care for them like that, I've cared for everyone I've ever loved like that, but you need to remember that it's not good to bottle everything up inside, it just ends up with you getting even more hurt than it ever helps."

"Thank you for listening Caspian, I don't think anyone's ever listened to me like that. I've always been the quiet one, it's normally people venting to me than me vent to others."

"It's good to talk it out. Friends, Hemmings?" she said standing up, outstretching her hand to me.

"Friends," I replied shaking on it.

"Now you've officially made your first friend at Camp Half-Blood," She said with a smile before rushing off.

Next Day

After breakfast I went to find Michael, like Caspian said, 4 years of friendship isn't going to end on one argument. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, his smile fading into a frown as he saw me.

"Uh, Mikey, could I talk to you for a second?" I muttered, praying I wouldn't start crying, again.

"Sure," He said harshly, pulling me away from the group.

"I-I'm sorry for being so insensitive Michael, I know I was really annoying you and you had every right to snap at me. I understand if you're still mad at me, I know I need to stop making stupid jokes like that and grow up."

"Luke, you don't need to apologize, I was the dick not you. I screamed at you over one joke, and I used your insecurities against you. If anything this should be the other way around."

"Why were you so mad, Michael?" I whisper.

He puts his hand on my shoulder reassuringly, "That girl's my sister, Luke. She's been through alot and I felt mad when you disrespected her without knowing anything. That's what I had forgotten though, you didn't know anything. That's none of my business to tell, but I'm sorry for snapping."

"It-it's okay Mike, I just-I was scared that you were gonna leave, that you didn't like me anymore."

"Luke how in hades could I not like you, you're my best mate and my bandmate, nothing's gonna change that. Now c'mere," He said, opening his arms, motioning for a hug. I buried my head into his neck despite me being taller than him. I grinned as we pulled away.

"There's that smile Hemmo," He said ruffling my hair,"Now run along, you missed training yesterday and Clarisse isn't happy."

"Okay, I'll see you late, Mike!"

"Bye Lukey!"

I love this chapter ok

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