Chapter 59: even more calum I swear to god shoot me

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i hate calum as a character so much in here, he's so dumb bc olivia highkey hates straight guys whoops

"CALUM!" I hear a scream in the other room-- one I didn't think I'd hear again.


I run into the room to see a masked man holding my sister and a bloodied and bruised Belle, who's eyes were running out of power.

"Help me." my sister whispered--she seemed fine, no injuries, no visible cuts or scrapes.

"Save her, leave me." Belle's voice was raspy, the hand tightened on her throat, making her cough for air.

I was at a loss for words and they made my mouth paper dry to even try and say.

After nearly two months of her being gone she was suddenly here, and she looked like hell. I felt terrible for her, seeing her look so weak and vulnerable, and then there was my sister. She looked terrified, but she kept her calm, staying still and silent as possible.

I ran towards her, kicking him in the chest and grabbing Mali out of his grip behind him.

"Calum Hood, you sneaky little bastard, you really think that's who I wanted to kill?" this person's voice was muffled and deepened by this mask, I had no clue who it was.

"Leave, please just leave!"
"I won't leave this person to kill you."

"They gave Mali up easy, but they won't do the same with me. They've already killed half of the family I had left don't think they'll let me go so easy."

"She's right."

"Get out of here-"

"I won't do that."

"For fuck's sake are you stupid?" her voice didn't sound like her. Not in the way like she was scared or confused or even happy-- the accent wasn't right.

"You aren't her." I said with sudden realization.

She smirked, before shaping into a sick looking monster, with shark teeth and red eyes and launched at Mali, who was shaking behind me.

The masked man held me back as she used her razor-like hands to rip into her chest and pull out her heart.

"NO!" I twist and scream as she falls down to the ground- dead.

She then changes into a familiar form-

"Arzaylea?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

"It's me." she smiles, wiping her bloodied hands off on her dress.

She wraps her arms around the masked man and they disappear before I have the chance to react.

I hear the car pulling up and I run to my mother and father.

"DAD, PLEASE COME ON AND HELP ME!" I shout from the door to no response.

I run to the car door, looking inside the window to see the driver's seat had my father sitting upright....stained red.

"I have nothing, Luke, I have nothing." I sob out, screaming into my pillow as my rage takes over my sadness. I get up and I knock over the nightstand, grunting out as everything crashes messily to the ground.

I punch my closet door and I kick my bed and I crack a mirror with my fist.

"Calum stop-"

"Oh shut up!" I scream shoving him to the ground, the hard sound snapping throughout the room.

Guilt immediately built into my chest as I sunk down to the floor into in a heap of sobs.

I was broken.

"Oh my god Cal..." Luke uttered, pulling me into a tight hug, comforting my every heart-pounding sob.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cry out.

"You have no need to say that, calm down."

"I want to give up Luke, I don't know what I have left." I choke on my words.

"Don't say that, you idiot, you're going to be fine."

"How? I can never face my mom after that, I'll never see Belle again, my sister and my dad are dead for gods' sake, what else can this world do to me?" I shout out before returning back into my mess of tears.

She was beginning to scream when a bullet went straight through her back, Darius nearly earned a spear through the head from Clarisse for that.

Yet he disappeared into thin air...

But he was gone... for now

"BELLE!" I scream, running to her side, brushing her hair out of her face and moving her body onto my lap.

"I hurt you, why don't you just let me die." She coughed up blood, her eyes burning with tears.

"You didn't mean to, you were threatened, you were scared. I'm so sorry, Belle, I love you, I never should've let you go." I whispered.

"I love you too." She choked out before shutting her eyes.

"Don't you give up on me! Stay awake, stay awake!" I screamed.

"Ambrosia! Get the ambrosia!" Nico yelled to Will.

Her eyes were still shut, and my heart was pounding in my chest. What if she just died? Right here, right now. Her blood was pouring over my skin and clothes and I was watching my tears fall on her skin.

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