Chapter 12: Michael

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It was time for the camp half blood's gay pride festival, and I was just happy to go to stare at this girl I heard was called Cecil. She had straight dark hair and really pretty eyes that were green and shone like emeralds and fuck I sound like a twelve year old boy with a crush. She by rumor had recently dumped her boyfriend after she caught him cheating. Basically used the whole Hermes magic shit to steal a bunch of his stuff and in revenge and threw it into the lake.

I hated how much she was my type.

As I walked to the event, I was happily prepared to flirt with her whilst enjoying the rainbow festivities... also there were about thirteen tons of colored drinks I'd kill to try.

I was standing awkwardly by one of the tables, sipping at a red berry punch when someone walked up to me.

"Hey." a girl with dark brown hair in a messy pixie cut, large dark brown eyes that were nearly black, and skin like mine; pale enough to be mistaken with paper. She had freckles splashed across her nose and bright pink cheeks.

"What's your name?" I ask with a smile.

"Nadine, nice to know there's one new kid in the Hades cabin."

"I didn't see you in there the other day, why's that?"

"I normally sleep in my friend's cabin, it's always felt safer... More like home." She shrugged.

"Understandable, it's always cold in there." I joked.

"Nico designed the place far before I was around, blame him." she defended jokingly.

"Do you want me to introduce you to the new campers? They're my friends."

"Please do me a favor and don't mention I'm a Hades kid to them, or anyone really. Most people don't know I exist and I'd like to keep it that way." She added suddenly, looking down.

"Why? It's no big deal to be a Hades kid, there's three of us now."

"It's just different. I went through hell and back... literally... to get to this camp and when I was claimed as one of the Hades kids it was like I finally found home-- an understanding of everything, but I really didn't want people asking for stories." She explained shyly, I noticed her hands beginning to tremble.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Just have a lot of nerves simply thinking about, um, certain things. I just wanted to introduce myself to my brother at the least. If I'm guessing correct you have eyes for Cecil?" she switched the subject fast. Whatever happened to her and had torn her up, so sure, I'll follow through on her request. My friends would all try to get up in her face and I knew it.

"She's pretty hot, you have eyes for any girls here?" I questioned.

"A few-wait, how'd you figure that out?" she asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Just testing to figure it out. I assumed because before you walked over here you were eyeing some girl from head to toe."

"So we were both trying to figure out which people we were staring at, lovely to know I have a fellow stalker by my side," she joked.

"So about Cecil, know anything about her?" I asked.

"Well she's very interesting. She acts about ten times tougher than she actually is, spends more time completing violent video games than actually socializing, pranking and traps are her attack methods... fear her on April 1st."

"Lovely to know," I laughed.

"Now go flirt with her, and be yourself. She can tell if you're being a fake bitch; go," she pushed.

"Fine, fine."

I jogged over to Cecil, happy to find she was still alone.

"Hi I'm Michael!" I chirped, mentally slapping myself in the face. God dammit why the fuck am I so awkward.

"Hi I'm Cecil, you're the new Hades kid right?" She replied, a smile on her face.

"Yup that's me, big old scary bad boy!" I chuckled sarcastically.

"You're cute, like the hair, by the way," she smiled.

"Thanks, you're pretty cute too." I responded, scratching the back of my neck.

"You're like a little awkward kitten wandering through a bunch of yarn... it's fucking adorable," Cecil giggled.

"I'm unsure if insult or a compliment," I raised an eyebrow.

"It's a compliment. Clifford, right?" she asked.

"Yep, and you?"

"Jacobs." she responded.

"MICHAEL!" I heard a voice shout. I turned around to see Luke running up to me.

"What is it?" I asked, trying not to be annoyed. I was literally just staring to have a good conversation with Cecil.

"Calum, I have no clue where he is. I checked the Ares cabin, I checked the lake, I checked fucking everywhere I know; I need your help."

"Don't worry, he can't go far, the Harpies will make sure of that." Cecil explained calmly.

"I'm not just going to hope and pray he turns up, something might've happened to him!" The lanky blonde protested.

"Luke, Cecil just said, there's no way Cal could've left, he's here at camp somewhere, and trust me, he's perfectly fine," I assured, putting my hands on his shoulders. Luke's breathing slowed to a normal pace and he gave me a small smile.

"I just need to know for sure he's okay, he's our best friend Mike."
"I know Lukey, but he'll be back, you know he never goes to parties unless there's alcohol anyways, he'll be back by dusk for sure."

"Thanks Mikey, I really needed that," He said gratefully before I pulled him in for a hug.

"Now run off and have some fun young one, get laid! You haven't had sex since that Arzaylea bitch, live a little!" I chuckled before Luke ran off to go chat with Caspian and Ashton. With their rainbow suspenders and matching outfits, they were hard to miss.

"So where were we?" Cecil asked.

"I think you were calling me a kitten if I'm right," I said with a chuckle. 

Hi guys! Hope you liked that chapter and look forwards to some shipping and shit. HAVE A GOOD LIFE. don't do drugs-Olivia (Too late liv, I already have -Tova)

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