Chapter 76: Caspian

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I snuck out of my cabin to the Hades cabin. To end this, once and for all. It's not fair, she gets to come back and not someone innocent, like my mother- she didn't deserve to die, not the way she did. I silently slipped into the cabin unnoticed and tip-toed to nico's bed. I pulled the potion out and pulled the cap off. Carefully, I slipped some of it into his mouth, sure that he swallowed it before moving on to the two girls. I saw them sleeping so peacefully, Ophelia clinging to Nadine like a child would a teddy bear. I saw the bandages on Nadine's arms and legs. She's not any different then I am. I don't want to do this, but I have to. I slowly pulled Ophelia off Nadine, slipping the rest of the potion into her mouth. Now for the hardest part. I pulled the dagger out and started to attempt to stab her when her eyes shot open.

"Caspian! What the hell are you doing?"
"What the hell does it look like I'm doing," I hiss, just wanting to get this over with quick and easy.

"Ophelia? Ophelia?! Nico! Why aren't they waking up?"
"Relax, they're just gonna be knocked out for a couple hours."
"Why are you trying to do this Caspian? Why me of all people?"
"You got to come back. Do you know how many people would have been brought back? But no you little miss special got to. So many people didn't deserve to die! So many people deserved a second chance, why the hell are you so special?" I yelled.

"Believe me, coming back from hell isn't all it's called out to be. It makes every pain ten times worse, every guilt a billion times stronger, every thought darker than ever before!" She cried. I began to see what I'd become but I chose to ignore it.

"Yet you're still having the chance to live again. You have Ophelia, your life is perfect by every and all standards-"
"You know nothing about my life, you know nothing of why I was brought back, or what killed me!" She hissed.

"Doesn't everyone have a sob story, hun?"

"I'd like to see you try and survive what I went through, what I go through." She snaps.

"I'm sure it is just terrible," my voice is dripping with sarcasm. "Now let me get this over with, it'll be easier for both of us."
"This isn't you Caspian! Snap out of it!"
"I think you've got your demigods crossed, ever thought about the other murders? Poor little me 'tried to save him.' Do you honestly think I had nothing to do with that?"
"It was you? But how?"
"I had a little help from a certain someone. Maybe you know him, Darius?"
"I knew there was more to your little deal-"

"Yes of course there is. Blood, monster blood to be specific. We both have it running through our veins."

"You did this because of that? Killing your own kind because of an extra bloodline? God you really are as dumb as I thought."
"If I'm so dumb then how come nobody's figured it out yet?" After being greeted by silence from Nadine I continued, "Exactly. Now shut the hell up so I can send you back to where you belong, not like you haven't tried already." I saw I had definitely struck a nerve then and decided to make a move while she was still shell-shocked.

"Go ahead, Caspian. Kill me, suffer the consequences," She hissed. I lunged at her but was stopped by two strong arms wrapping around me.

"Caspian stop struggling," Ashton grunted as I continued to squirm in his grip. I eventually gave up as he wasn't letting go. He snatched the dagger from my hand and pockets it.

"I'll deal with this," He says to Nadine, walking out of the door with me still in tow. He takes me back to my cabin before sitting me down, making sure to lock the door first.

"Caspian what the hell were you trying to do?"

"What the hell does it look like Ashton?"
"But you couldn't, you wouldn't. You're not like this Caspian, you let him get inside your head. I heard part of the conversation. I just didn't think y-you would try to kill her, especially."

"Why? Because the little bitch escaped death once she didn't deserve to die again." I hiss.

"She tried to kill herself and the man she thought was her father at the time finished her off! Her life was barely beginning when that happened! Then you ended up being the reason the love of her life died! And this? For what, some random bloodline shit? Darius is a monster and by what Belle said and now this I'm thinking that he was the one you fucked, but listen to me, I don't care. I'm not here to be angry and to try and make this situation worse, I'm here to say that you've been through stuff and maybe Darius used it against you. He created an outlet for you to feel better about what's happened, but nonetheless it's murder. I don't know why he chose you of all people but you need to snap out of this dammit!" I suddenly broke down, sobbing profusely.
"It's my fault, it's all my fault, Ashton. I let him get inside my head, I let him control me, I let him take advantage of me. I've become a monster haven't I?"
"Shh no Caspian, you're not a monster-"
"I am Ashton! I did this out of my own free will!"
"He charm-spoke you!"

"On-only once, that was ear-earlier, I-I wouldn't cheat on you Ashton," I choked out.

"I know you wouldn't, but please Caspian, you need to get away from him," Ashton said sternly.

Suddenly I heard that all too familiar menacing chuckle. Ashton quickly pulled out the dagger, shielding me from him, from Darius.

"Ah Caspian, you're gonna regret not listening to me, but I'm not going to finish job... You're going to have to live with the constant reminder that you failed. Now what the failure was, that's up to you, but it'll haunt you for the rest of your life. And to think, I would've kept your family safe, brought your mother back. It's much too late though," Darius hissed before disappearing as quickly as he appeared.

"NO! You promised! He promised Ashton," I cried, but it was too late.

"You need to tell them, or Nadine will, and she doesn't know you. She doesn't know that you're a good person-"

"But I'm not a good person-"
"Yes you are, you made bad decisions but that doesn't make you a bad person."
"She won't believe that, Belle won't believe that, demigods don't give people the benefit of the doubt. They'll hate me, there's no avoiding it. You saw how quick they were to judge you and me, there's no way they can forgive me now," I chastised.

"There's no hiding though," He said sadly.

"I know, bring everyone in," I sighed.

"Okay, I don't want to leave you alone though, not because of what you did but because I don't know what Darius might try next."

"I-I can hold my own, just get someone and send them to get everyone else," I stuttered. 

"I will, but Caspian remember no matter what they say I promise I'll stay with you. I love you."
"I-I love you too, now hurry the fuck up the more time we waste the less time we have till Nadine cracks."


"Caspian I need to know where your loyalties lie," Darius said, grabbing my hand.

"With you, Darius," I said sweetly. He cupped my face, leaning in to kiss me.

"Darius I-I can't, Ashton will be devastated-"
"What Ashton doesn't know won't hurt him, and I need you to do this. If you don't listen to me he'll be next," He hissed. I couldn't disobey him, it was impossible. He again tried to kiss me, this time succeeding. His kisses were forced, lustful, stone-cold, and power hungry, nothing like Ashton's. Ashton's were loving, passionate, and wonderful, even when we were only hooking up. Darius groped my ass, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tried to pull away from him but my struggling only caused him to pull me closer. He grinded his crotch against me and I pushed him off of me after a bit.

"Come on, Caspian, I know you want this-"
"I don't, I didn't sign up to be your fucktoy."
"Probably shouldn't have said that, sweetheart," He sneered, gripping my wrists with incredible force, pushing me up against a wall, and kissing up and down my neck and collar bones.

"Darius please stop, you're hurting me," I whimpered, trying to pull away.

"Does it look like I give a damn?" I could tell bruises were going to form, and the pain of it being right on my scars was nearly unbearable. After a while he let go of my wrists, I rubbed them in an attempt to reduce the pain.

"You're lucky I didn't break them. Meet me back here at the same time tomorrow," He hissed before disappearing as he always did.

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