Chapter 16: Caspian

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"Oh my god so this one time when we were in LA staying at a house I had thrown Luke's penguin into the pool because what can I say I was an asshole in my younger years. So Ashton dives in a grabs the penguin and mocks giving CPR to it while I was yelling at him to just throw it back into the pool because he was being fucking ridiculous but then- Caspian are you even paying attention?" Michael said, pausing his story.

"Uh sorry I was um just thinking," I muttered, looking around the campfire trying to find Belle.

"About what? Is something wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"No-well yes, Belle rushed off last night after she stopped by and saw Ashton was there and now she hasn't come out of her cabin all day. I'm really worried about her." After I had finished Cecil walked over.

"Hey Mike, Caspian, what's up?"

"Nothing we're just you know talking, chit chatting, chillin," Michael stated, trying to sound cool.

"What about?"

"Just touring and-"

"Guys! Come with me quick, I've got to show you guys this!" Ashton interrupted, pulling me up by the arm. We ran, following Ash to whatever he desperately needed to show us. We reached the Apollo cabin where Ashton motioned for us to stay there while he went inside to grab something.

"What the hell is he getting?" Cecil whispered into my ear.

"I have no fucking clue," I replied. Our questions were quickly answered when he emerged with two six packs of beer.

"Your cabin work, Caspian?" Ashton asked and I nodded in reply before the four of us took off again.

We ran to the Poseidon cabin in a hurry, tripping a couple times but miraculously not breaking a single bottle.

"I can't believe you got it!" I exclaimed, pointing to the two six packs

"Yep! Took a little effort finding an outside source, but we got it."

"You little shit..." I said, chuckling under my breath.

"Hey hey no laws were broken," Ashton joked, grabbing a bottle and passing one of the case over to me as soon as we entered the cabin. I then chucked two bottles to Michael and Cecil before we all collapsed onto the floor.

"To new beginnings!" I said popping open a beer and taking a sip.

"To new beginnings!" They cheered replied, all taking swigs while Ashton chugged half the bottle.

"Not so fast Ashton, drink too much and you'll tell us all your secrets," (Props if you know where that's from) I jokingly said to him, already feeling the slightest bit tipsy.

"Well that's the only way to get them out of me unless... Wanna play truth or dare?" he said chuckling.

We replied in a chorus of why the hell nots and hell yeahs

"Okay so Caspian truth or dare?" Ashton questioned.


"When did you come to camp?" he asked

"Three years ago," I responded, "Cecil, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she replied.

"Attempt to do winged liner-"

"Oh that's easy!"

"-With no mirror and using your left hand, and you can't wash it off!"

"Meh still not that bad," She shrugged, grabbing an eyeliner out of my makeup bag. She proceeded to attempt to put of the eyeliner, cursing under her breath before throwing the eyeliner onto the ground in defeat.

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