Chapter 45: Michael

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"So you can sense her state with death?"

"Yeah, it's something you'll figure out eventually, big boy." She pats my back as we walk in together. Will was gently pouring small amounts of nectar on the wounds at a time.

"She looks like shit." I utter.

"Of course she does, dumbass." Nadine shoves me sarcastically.

She then walks over to the sleeping girl, placing her hand on her heart, inhaling a deep breath, then exhaling it out. She repeated the process a few times before looking up at me with a smile.

"She's going to be fine. Bit more nectar and everything will be stitched up and fixed. Severe for mortals- easy for demigods." She nods before leaving the room, seemingly unphased.

I follow after her. "How are you not shaken up by that?"

"I've been in the same place before, I'm kind of used to it. Near-death stuff is kind of our thing, you know."
"Just- it's-um- a lot-"

"Listen, a lot of things can fuck my shit up, but that's not one of them. If she was going to die I would've been able to tell from ten miles away. I'm not scared for her chances of living, I'm just scared for whoever has to deal with the consequences when she wakes up."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I got the vibe that this was caused by someone else. I heard a name-"

"Was it Belle?" I ask in a whisper.

"Well, yes, but-"

"Oh great, oh great, oh great. All the drama and I'm straight in the middle of it."

"You don't mean that, it's not like-"

"Ashton will want to kill Belle because of this and Calum will defend Belle and then they'll get mad at each other and then Belle will get angry at Calum for defending her and get angry at herself and then Calum will protect her even more and Ashton will then want to kill Calum while he's at it."

"And you're in the middle because?"

"Because Luke can't handle stuff like this, so I do."

"So I wish you good luck, this is not my world."

"You don't mean that-"

"I'm in my own little universe with being undead and talking to ghosts and being forcefully platonic with a rainbow sunshine I'm in love with. It's a very different universe compared to whatever the hell is going on with yours. So yes, I wish you good luck." She nods before signaling goodbye and shadow-traveling away.

Still hadn't learned that trick yet...

Shadow traveling or having my own world to deal with.

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