Chapter 23: Michael

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(Happy Mikey chapter because I feel like I've been abandoning my little sunshine child)

"Hey Cecil," I said while walking over to her.

"Hey Mikey, what's up?" She asked with a smile.

"I-um-I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out, like alone, uh fuck I suck balls (Like luke) at this I-"

"I'd love to, Mike," She interjected, grabbing my hand. "Is right now good for you?"

"Right now's perfect," I replied. We wandered off to my cabin considering Nico wouldn't be there and the Hermes cabin would be too full. Once we arrived I opened the door for her, as a gentleman would, and we both entered.

"So what are we going to do in this fine cabin of yours, Clifford?"

"Um Netflix and chill?"

"What the fuck is that Mike?" She giggles,"Let's play 20 questions."

"Sounds good (feels good), you go first."

"Um favorite hair color you've done?"

"Green. Favorite animal?"

"Kittens, like yourself," She giggles, making me blush. "Any crushes?"

"Uh yeah, and you?"

"Yeah, ever been in love?"

"Yes. Ever had your heart broken?" I asked

"Who hasn't? Ever gotten so shit faced drunk you can't remember what you did?"

"Of course. Ever had a make session longer than 5 minutes?"


"Wanna change that?" I said with a devious grin.

"Maybe," She said, looking down at the ground and blushing furiously. I pulled her onto my lap, our faces only a couple inches apart. I leaned in and kissed her, sparks flew. I deepened the kiss, biting her lip to ask for entrance. Her hands were tangled in my hair while mine gripped her waist. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, quickly asserting dominance. We continued like this for quite a while, only stopping to catch our breath until I heard a cough at the door. Nico stood there, slightly disgusted before he said,

"Mike next time you have a girl over, keep the door locked."

"Oh shit I'm already late to training, I've got to go Mikey! I'll see you later, yeah?" She said, quickly scrambling to collect herself.

"Of course," I replied, pecking her on the lips once more before she dashed out the door.

Here you go children, happy little Mikey chapter! I love my little sunshine, he's gonna remain pretty unharmed I think

Lots of love :) xx


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