Chapter 40: Belle

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"Hey Belle!" I heard Caspian call. I continued walking, ignoring her.

"Hi!" She said, grabbing my shoulder, turning me towards her. "Did you not hear me?"

"Oh trust me, I heard you loud and clear," I said under my breath.



"Come on Belle, talk to me, I mean we haven't had a proper conversation in ages!"

"Yeah cause you were always off with Ashton, and when you weren't that's all you talked about! 'Ashton this...' 'Ashton that...' 'Did I tell you the story Ashton told me?' It's annoying as fuck honestly!" I yelled, finally gaining the courage to tell her what's been eating at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you as much, I was just trying to figure some stuff out," She muttered, trailing off at the end.

"Oh yeah sure. Since when did fucking and figuring shit out become the same thing?"

"Belle that's not what I meant-"

"Sure it wasn't."
"Belle seriously I've just been having some issues-"
"Oh no is Caspian having a little relationship trouble?"
"Belle no! Why the hell would you think that-"
"Ah of course why would I? Caspian and Ashton are perfect and have no troubles at all," I sneered, letting all my anger out on the girl in front of me.

"Belle I meant problems with my fucking mental health!"
"Oh yeah, you mean the nonexistent ones?" I saw tears fill up in her eyes.

"Belle please I'm really sorry," She wined, desperate for affection I suppose.

"You know what? Stop by when you figure out how to be a friend," I snapped before storming off.

I'm sure we were gonna expand a lot of these but honestly I just wanna write new things, I'm really just trying to finish this.

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