Chapter 32: Nico

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For any hardcore PJO/HoO fans reading this I AM SO SORRY. Especially since Tova and I started writing this fanfiction before Trials of Apollo had even been announced, NOTHING ToA IS MENTIONED/APPARENTLY HAS EXISTED HERE BC WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIT IT INTO THE PLOTLINE NOW I AM SORRY MY CHILDREN. Also, I'm very sorry that about 90% of the basic life/rules/actual strict things demigods go through at CHB is not really put to good use- at this point it's basically a different camp, but to be frank (Zhang), this is more of a 5sos fic than a PJO/HoO one. (Because let's be honest, if this little shit was going on at CHB, there would be no drama, 5sos is drama lmao). This was made because I was the Percy Jackson fan and Tova was the 5sos girl and we collaborated and it somehow just became 5sos takes the fuck over CHB and gives 0 fucks about the beautiful set up Rick came up with (I apologise, lord Riordan). SO I'M SO SORRY IF YOU ARE HERE FOR PJO AND STUFF WE HAVE BEEN SO INACCURATE THE GODS GLARE AT THIS FANFIC AND ALL THE THE MAGICAL THINGS WE'VE SOMEHOW WRITTEN IN LIKE HALF OF THIS SHIT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS AS A FAN I FEEL YOU AND I APOLOGISE.

Carry on...

Nico POV-

Trudging through tartarus, every step is like glass digging through your feet.

I'm dreaming, I convinced myself, but the pain felt all too real to be a dream.

Maybe I died down there, so my dead soul stayed down there but the transfer between life and death led me to hallucinate my time with Will-- maybe the war of Gaea isn't even over and Percy is still in danger.

What if Will doesn't even love me? Maybe he's never even met me.

Perhaps a young image of when I first came to camp and saw him has transferred into an image where he somehow found the pity to love me.

I panic, the view of Tartarus burning at my eyes as monster come at me from every angle.

I don't even fight this time, I just sink down and all of the sudden I'm back in that jar and I'm fighting for breath. I felt as if the air was being ripped out of my lungs and I couldn't get it back. I slammed on the glass, screaming and crying for help before inevitably realizing it's useless and curling up in a ball, saving my ragged breaths-- I had nothing.


My eyes dart open as I scream.

I can hardly breathe and my entire body is shaking as I look around the room- it's the Hades cabin, but my blurry vision kept me from seeing if a face was anywhere nearby.

"Breathe, baby, breathe, what's wrong?" a voice I know-- Will, asks frantically, pulling me to his chest.

"N-nightmares. Oh gods, Will, it's been years and they never leave me... they never leave me." I cry.

"Tartarus?" I flinch at the words, but I shake my head no. "What then? The jar?"

I nod, "both... all together... hell, and my sister, just everything and anything that's hurt me won't leave." I whisper and he kisses my forehead, wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"I will always protect you, my little shadow. I love you and I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again." I shake in his arms, but I manage to nod again.

"I-I love you too. Um, can we just cuddle?"
"Of course, babe," He says, pulling me under the covers. He pulled me closer, my back pressed against his chest. I wiggled around, trying to find a comfortable position.

He strokes my hair and whispers sweet things until I calm down.

He decides to write me a doctors note today, knwoing my mental state isn't all too well.

So I stay in bed all day while Will goes off to work.

How am I ever going to leave this camp?


I decided to reorganize a few things that morning, cleaning up a little bit.

Most of it was trash and dust until I found the photo.

The gods-damned photo.

Will, who had come back to check up on me around lunch, bringing me a bit of food, set down his plate when he saw me looking drearily at the piece of paper.

"What are you looking at that's making you so damn sad?"

I silently hand him the photo and I see his eyes go teary as he sees it.

I looked so young, so tan, so full of life... So happy.

I don't know what went wrong.

"Where did you find that?"

"Under my bed... it's a photo of Bianca and I that I took to camp in the beginning. Back then I had been so starry eyed and I had color in my face. I told Bianca I liked boys and she didn't care so I was happy about it and then-" I choke, "and then she died and I was stuck in the closet all over again. I lost all hope, I became a monster-"

"Don't say that." Will says sweetly.

"When you first really spoke to me did you honestly think I wasn't a freak? I remember how much you wanted to fucking kill me-"

"It was more like how much sexual tension I was hiding with anger." He jokes to lighten the mood. He somehow manages to make me laugh even as I want to sob.

"But look at me and look at that." I gesture to the photo, "How is it possible that my skin's became ten shades lighter, the bags under my eyes darker, and any hint of joy in my eyes just destroyed-"

"Nico, you went through too much at a young age, that's what happened. You still ended up the exact person anyone would want to be. And I look at your appearance and I find it quite endearing and special. I love you so much, you don't even understand it. Your hair, your frame, your beautiful eyes... I just love you a lot."

Hi Olivia wrote most of this but here I am writing the AN! I just got back from camp so sorry for no updates!! 

All the love!


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