Please stop talki-

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20 minutes later

"Y/N, you can stop sulking now." Nines called out to you, but you still sat there with your arms crossed over your chest, annoyed. "You are being a child."

"You are being a child." You mocked while shooting a glare in Nines's direction, he cut the engine and stared at you with a very dead look in his eyes. "Are you really that mad about my teasing?" Nines questioned raising an eyebrow at him, in all honesty you weren't mad at him. But you were mad that he had won.

"Might be." You mumbled as a quiet huff left your mouth.

"I am sorry for keeping the keys out of your reach, but in my defence... it was extremely funny." Nines commented which only made you glare at him more, which Nines only found funny of course. "You're not funny..." You grumbled as Nines bit down into his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing more.

"Sorry, you are right not funny. Shall we go and see what's on?" Nines asked but you just glared at him again, this time he unbuckled his seatbelt and leant over the console of the car. "I am sorry, Y/N, please forgive me."

With that he pressed a very light kiss to your temple.

"I guess I'll forgive you, but only because I want popcorn." You huffed as Nines let a laugh slip from his mouth, he then shook his head before pulling himself back over the console. "At least I am forgiven, let's go see what is on." Nines said as he then opened the door beside him and climbed out.

In an instant you were racing to join him, once the car was locked the two of interlaced your hands together and moved towards the cinema. The excitement inside you was bubbling, you had no idea what was on or what genre of film they would be. Nines seemed just as excited as you were, this was only his second time being to a cinema. Last time he had the left overs of your popcorn dumped onto his lap.

You didn't plan to do it again this time, even if it was hilarious.

"I am very excited for this, it has been quite hard to avoid researching what is on at the cinema." Nines admitted as you reached the door of the building, which Nines of course held open for you. "I felt the same, every time I was on my phone I just wanted to have a look." You also admitted which only made Nines smile at you.

The two of you stopped in front of a monitor that told you what was on and what time it was on, in seconds you both looked at one another your eyebrows raised at each other.

"This isn't what I was expecting... I don't know what I was expecting..." You mumbled to Nines who nodded his head, his LED flashed between yellow and blue.

"We have a decision to make now, there are two film's starting in five minutes or we wait an extra ten minutes for another one." Nines declared as he pointed out the ones starting soon, you looked between the titles and instantly knew one was a sappy romance.

'Not a chance...' You thought to yourself.

So now you only had two to choose from, both seemed like promising films but you also wanted Nines's opinion on what you should watch. Looking up at him with your eyes you saw that he was intently staring at the monitor.

"Any idea what you want to watch?" You asked Nines whose eyes snapped in your direction.

"I am not sure, but we are wasting time by standing around making a decision." Nines sighed you looked back to the monitor trying your hardest to just pick one. "This is so difficult..." You muttered your eyes still looking between the two you had been looking at before.

"I would like to watch this one." Nines told you as he pointed to the one that had longer until it started. "What about you?"

"It was between the one you just pointed out and this one." You told him as you pointed to the other one. "Then we should go for the one that we were both drawn to, so this one." Nines declared as he again pointed to the one he had before.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now