It's just fucking weird...

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Later that day, 4:35pm

The rest of your shopping trip had been amazing, you and Nines had bought a lot, most of it for him obviously. However Nines had convinced you to get more than just one thing, you'd got an outfit and a new top. After getting home you and Nines had just lounged around watching TV while you ate snacks.

"The Lieutenant and RK800 should be arriving soon." Nines breathed out while you were sat side by side on the sofa, originally you had been sat between his legs.

You really wanted to still be sat there now.

"Yeah they should... they've probably already got the food and are on the way..." You mumbled while playing with the sleeve of your top, it just always felt weird not cuddling with Nines.

You had gotten so used to doing it that when you didn't cuddle him, you felt lost.

"I am just going to say it, I do not want them here. It is nothing against the Lieutenant I just do not like pretending to be a machine while at home." Nines declared as you turned your head to look at him, his LED was flashing between yellow and red. "I get that... hopefully they won't stay too long..." You mumbled, you knew all of Nines's problems would be solved if he just told people he had Deviated.

But he still wasn't ready.

Besides you knew Connor would be unhappy about it probably.

Hank would be absolutely thrilled he is a Deviant.

Nines seemed to like that you were the only one who knew, you kinda liked being the only one who knew the real him.

"I hope so too, I do not like not being close to you." Nines admitted, it was nice to know the feeling was mutual on that, you hated being away from him while in the house. "I just want a cuddle." You muttered before blowing out a long breath.

"Me too, can you answer the door today?" Nines asked you, he seemed very hesitant to get up at all. Probably because he didn't want to converse with Connor too much. "Yeah, of course... I can do that." You told him as you both went silent again, you'd had such a good day but now it was possibly going to become awkward.

Another few minutes passed by and you heard a knock at the door, in an instant you stood from the sofa and walked towards the door. Grabbing your keys from the side you unlocked the door and pulled it open, Hank and Connor were stood there. Connor had a bag of food in his hand.

"Hey, feels like I haven't seen you in forever..." Hank snorted as you smiled at him and stepped to the side to let him and Connor in.

"I made sure to order something you would enjoy." Connor reassured you as he passed by you. "Where the hell is blue eyes?" Hank asked he seemed genuinely curious as to where Nines was.

"In the living room, I said I'd get the door today... so he's probably sat exactly how I left him." You explained to Hank who nodded before then making his way to the living room. "Was he sat like a statue when you left him?" Hank asked, loudly.


"Yeah he's still sat like that!" Hank yelled back to you, closing your door you locked it again, Connor had been waiting with you. "May I go to your kitchen and sort this out for you and Hank?" Connor questioned, you could tell he was trying to be as polite as possible.

"Yeah. Give me a moment and I'll come he-"

"I can do it, you go and sit down with RK900 and Hank." Connor interrupted as you nodded at him, then moved straight towards the living room.

The moment you entered you saw Hank lounging on the spare chair while Nines sat on the sofa, he looked like a machine right now. It was weird to you. He usually just lounges nowadays.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now