Not at all

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The next day, 5:47pm

You and Nines had spent the entire day just relaxing with one another, genuinely just enjoying each other's company while watching films and TV. Nines had made you a cooked breakfast in the morning, as well as a cooked lunch and to round it off he had also cooked you dinner. Which you were currently eating.

Nines hadn't allowed you to do too much during the day, constantly reminding you that you could get tired but he couldn't. You had just assumed that he didn't want you to be tired for going out this evening.

"So after your meal you would like to pick each others clothing out?" Nines questioned while sat beside you, he was currently watching the TV while waiting for you to finish your dinner. "Absolutely, I pick your outfit for tonight and you pick mine. It's fair." You told Nines who nodded his head before looking over at you.

"I agree, I am looking forward to going out again. I extremely like dancing with you." Nines said as he stared at you, you of course stared back lovingly.

Without a fail, Nines always knew what to say to you.

"I can't wait, also means you get a free live performance tonight." You pointed out to Nines who tried to fight his smile but failed. "I am looking forward to that too, I am sure that I will have to fight you to leave as well." Nines commented as you let a snort out, there was a very high chance you'd refuse to leave.

"Probably..." You giggled before going back to your food.

The moment you had finished eating Nines took your plate to the kitchen and left it on the side saying he'd clean it later. Which you knew he would do. You turned the TV off before you and Nines went to your bedroom, beelining for the wardrobe. Opening it up you and Nines began to go through each other's clothing, you already knew what you would probably choose. But you were still going to look anyway.

Mainly because Nines had so much clothing to look through, as you owned so much.

You flicked through his clothing while making popping noises with your mouth, you got to the exact outfit you'd been considering. Glancing over at Nines you imagined him in it again.

'Yep, he's wearing this...' You told yourself inside your head before then flicking through the rest of his clothing to waste time.

You got to the end of his clothing and then went back to the outfit you wanted him to wear, then pulled it from the wardrobe making sure he didn't see what you had chosen. You did notice him glance at you like he was trying to get a look at it, but you made sure he couldn't.

You sat down onto the bed and placed the outfit beside yourself, then sat there staring at Nines's back while he searched through your clothing. He seemed to be struggling to find something, or he just wanted to see everything before making a decision.

After about ten minutes Nines pulled something out of the wardrobe, as he turned around he pulled it behind his back and raised an eyebrow at you. You stood up and hid the outfit for him behind your back too.

"Are you ready to reveal each others outfits?" Nines asked you, while wiggling an eyebrow at you.

"Yes I am." You answered with a smirk on your lips.

"On three?" Nines asked as you nodded at him in response.




With that you both pulled the outfits out from behind your backs, both of you seemed equally surprised by the other's decision. The bigger shock was that you'd be matching in colours, you had chosen the outfit he got that was similar to his uniform. Which was black and white. Nines had somehow found and chosen a dress that was black and white, it was one that you had never worn before it just sat there.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now