I did not do it for you.

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Gradually you twisted your head to look at Nines, he gave you a sad smile before he pushed one of his hands into your hair. Making sure that you didn't look away from him.

"We will find her, someone must know something about her. I promise that I will question every single person that we have arrested if I must." Nines told you and you could see the serious look in his eyes, he was willing to do all of that for you. "You'd really do that for me?" You asked finding it hard to believe that he would do that.

"Of course I will, I do not like seeing you sad. Besides I also want to find her and I understand that this is hurting you, it is hurting me too. But I believe that we shall find her." Nines reassured, you grabbed onto his hand and pulled it from your hair, letting his hand drop you laid your onto his shoulder. "I just want this to stop, I don't want anyone else to get hurt... I don't want to get hurt." You mumbled as Nines took ahold of one of your hands and squeezed it gently.

"You know that I will not let anyone hurt you, we did not get to speak of that room, I believe you need to speak about it." Nines pointed out as your attention was pulled away from him and the conversation.

Police cars were arriving as back up, you knew Fowler would be proud of you all. But you didn't feel proud. The one person who you wanted... wasn't there, she was still in the wind. Hidden.

"Y/N..." Nines called out to you, he wanted to grab your attention.

Looking back to him you saw how desperate he was to get you to talk to him, you obviously wanted to talk to him but you were scared that you might cry.

"Would you prefer to talk back at the station?" Nines questioned, you nodded before going to answer the sound of the door slamming open startled you. Connor walked out and he looked enraged.

Both you and Nines just sat there and stared at him, Connor took a deep and unneeded breath before he started to look around, evidently he was trying to find you. Soon enough he turned to your direction and let his eyes fall down to look at you, you still had your head leant on Nines's shoulder and you had no intention of moving it.

But to your surprise Connor didn't look jealous or angry, he walked over to you both and sat down the other side of you. You could see as he moved towards you his LED was a permanent red colour, just like Nines's was.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked, directing the question to you, moving your eyes you looked towards him. "No. I thought this would be over but it's not... Nines is my shoulder to cry on if it comes to that." You explained to Connor who nodded his face still didn't suggest he was jealous he just looked empty.

"I researched that humans often enjoy to have a shoulder to cry on, I am not sure why it is a shoulder. Surely they are not a comfortable part of the body to rest your head on." Nines said like he didn't understand it, even though you knew he did.

"It doesn't mean a literal shoulder to cry on, it means giving sympathy and support for their emotions. Or give them the encouragement they need." Connor explained to Nines while he stared out towards the street you were all sat on.

"That makes a lot more sense..." Nines mumbled.

You lifted your head off of his shoulder and twisted your head to look at Connor, you used one of your hands to nudge him. This caught his attention immediately he glanced at you as you patted your shoulder, he only shook his head at you.

"Why'd you storm out like that?" You asked Connor who sat up straighter and bit down onto his bottom lip for a moment. "We asked them why they had photos of me, you and RK900." Connor told you, this must have caught Nines's attention because you felt him shift beside you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now