That was for all of them!

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"That's for every couple you've ever hurt!" You yelled as the woman looked at you in shock, you knew people would be in to stop you.

But you wanted to get one last punch in.

So you grabbed ahold of her collar and bought your fist down onto her face again, hitting her straight in the nose.

"That's for every life you ruined!" You raged as you heard the door open, the woman's nose had started to bleed.

Now she was just laughing at you, she knew that she had got to you. In an instant you raised your fist to punch her again, but your arm was grabbed as someone started to pull you away.

"I like you! You've really got a temper!" She cackled, as you struggled against whoever was pulling you away. "Let her hit me again!"

"That was for all them!" You screamed as you were dragged away from her, blood still dripping from her nose.

"Y/N! Calm down! Stop it!" Connor's voice called out from behind you, he was the one dragging you away from her.

You stopped fighting against him, instead you let him pull you out of the room as other Officers entered. Once you were dragged from the room, Connor let you go as you leant against the wall outside the interrogation room.

Soon Nines was in front of you, you could tell that Hank and Connor were talking loudly but you weren't listening, you were just trying to calm yourself down. You wanted nothing more than to go back in there and beat the crap out of her.

For everything she had done.

For everyone she had hurt.

For playing you.

In the moment you didn't even think about the consequences, you still didn't really care. She deserved both of the punches you got in. If anything you just felt pride in yourself, the look of shock on her face was worth it all.

Looking up you connected your eyes with Nines's you expected him to look disappointed but he just looked shocked, you weren't sure why he wasn't the one who dragged you out. But you were kind of glad it wasn't him, you'd be pretty pissed at him if he did. You knew Hank and Connor were still arguing or talking loudly, but it was the last thing you cared about.

"Y/N! Are you even listening to me?!" You heard Hank ask, angrily, you dragged your head over to the side to look at him.

He looked really fucking angry.

"Nope." You admitted with a smirk on your face, you weren't trying to ignore him you were just happy you wiped that smug look off of her face.

Even if it was only for a few seconds.

"Do you even know what you've just done?!" Hank yelled, you were sure that he was mad at you. Normally you were very calm and composed but this time you took his approach of lashing out at someone. "I believe she is fully aware, Lieutenant, but yelling at her will not make it any better." Nines said in your defence, all that was on your mind was her shocked face. You were relishing in the thought of it.

"She hit her RK900, not once but twice! And you did nothing to try and stop her! I had to!" Connor yelled at Nines, but that was one thing you weren't going to let happen.

"I made my choice! Stop fighting!" You snapped as you pushed yourself away from the wall, "it's not Nines's fault, it's mine. I'll take the consequences. Bitch fucking deserved it."

Before anyone could say anymore you moved past them all and made your way back towards the desk area, you knew that the wrath of Fowler was on it's way.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now