You look completely... beautiful.

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20 minutes later

"Nines... how did you get my hair to look so good?" You asked Nines while you drove along, Nines had somehow made your hair look so amazing.

Yet another thing that Nines was surprisingly good at, making your hair look nice.

Before it was just his cooking skills that surprised you and made you believe he could be a chef if he wanted to be, but now his hair dressing skills made you feel like he could become a hairdresser or hairstylist.

"I do not know, I just did whatever I felt was right." Nines told you, you weren't convinced though. He must have known what he was doing to do your hair well. "I really don't believe you." You scoffed, he must have had some sort of knowledge downloaded.

"That is your choice." Nines mumbled, making you wince and start to wonder if you had annoyed him by accident.

"Thank you for making my hair look so beautiful." You thanked making sure that he knew you appreciated what he had done, you'd never been so happy with your hair before. "Your hair is always beautiful, I just changed the style of it. But you are welcome." Nines responded as your heart sped up at his words.

Nines always called you beautiful and he never seemed nervous to call you it, not even from the beginning when he first called you it. He was always so confident when he said it.

You continued to drive along, while excitement bubbled inside you. You couldn't wait to just enjoy this evening with Nines, sometimes you didn't always remember the entire evening but you knew that the two of you always had fun. What made it even better was actually that you two were wearing matching colours, you wanted nothing more than for people to assume that you were together.

Soon enough you arrived at the nightclub, parking your car you cut the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition before passing them over to Nines. He took them from you and tucked them into his pocket.

"Are you ready to go in?" Nines asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt and smiled at you, you wanted to go in but you were also feeling a bit shy of your dress.

You had never worn it before.

"Yeah, I'm ready." You lied, it was a beautiful dress you just weren't sure it had the same affect while it was on you. "Y/N, what is the matter? And do not lie to me... you were so excited earlier but that excitement is gone." Nines pointed out to you, he could always see right through your bullshit.

"Do I look okay? I don't want to go in there looking like an idiot..." You sighed, you never often felt self conscious of what you wore but you were in this moment.

"You look more than okay, Y/N." Nines told you as his eyes softened, a look of worry also in his eyes as he stared at you. "It's just I've never worn this dres-"

"Y/N, I promise that you look more than okay. In fact I would say that," he paused as he dragged his eyes along your figure then back up to your face, "you look completely... beautiful."

"You always say I look beautiful." You commented, of course you loved him calling you that but he did say that you always looked beautiful.

"That is because you are beautiful, no matter what you wear you look beautiful. I have never thought that you are less than beautiful, but there are many other words I could use to describe how you look." Nines explained as the mysterious unreadable look crossed into his eyes again, what he said only made you curious on what other words he'd use.

"What are they?" You asked, you already felt better and ready but now curiosity had gotten the better of you. Like it normally did.

"Gorgeous, mesmerising... divine... must I continue or are you satisfied?" Nines inquired while you just stared at him with your lips parted, the words he was using would probably not at all be what other women wanted to hear.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now