No... it fucking can't be...

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A few hours later

In the end you let Nines scan the footage, but he had stopped after just over an hour, he was really disappointed by the results he got. He said that she must have used the blind spots, meaning she had to know the area quite well.

Connor and Hank hadn't returned but at the same time you hadn't really been paying attention to anything around you. Your sole focus had been on Nines, as well as comforting him through his disappointment of finding nothing.

"Nines... I'm bored..." You mumbled as you stopped typing and turned your head away from your terminal to look at him instead. "I know you are, there is not much I can do though." Nines stated as he looked at you, both of you had been struggling all day so far.

"What is going on with us?" You groaned before placing your forehead onto your desk, you had no idea what was going on with you right now. "I am not sure, I find myself feeling... upset and disappointed." Nines explained as he reached his hand out and placed it onto the top of your thigh.

"Me too..." You mumbled as you slipped a hand under the desk and placed it on top of Nines's hand.

The two of you just sat in silence now.

You weren't really sure what to say to Nines.

It felt like your entire life had been thrown upside down, when it was supposed to get better. You were supposed to go back to normal life. Take a holiday for you and Nines. Investigate relatively normal crimes.

Not be sat in fear.

Not stuck in a hotel.

Not feeling like you weren't yourself.

She ruined all of that it could take hours, days, weeks and maybe even months to find her. There were only two people who could possibly find her, Nines and Connor. But Nines was too focused on you right now, somehow you had become his first priority. Work didn't even mean that much to him anymore. When he was a machine you were the thing that didn't matter much, now it was like you were all that mattered to him.

The other thing that you were supposed to be doing was figuring your feelings out but how were you supposed to do that when there was so much tension between all of you. Connor seemed to still keep his distance, he didn't go out of his way to make you want to give him another chance, even when he said he'd do anything. Then there was Nines who you spent all of your time with, he did everything for you. He went out with you, he made food for you. He just made the effort.

But he didn't know how he felt about you.

He was still figuring it all out.

You liked Nines in that way, you knew it would be like having your heart ripped out if you chose him and he ended up not liking you back.

"Can we go for a walk?" You asked Nines as you raised your head up from the desk, Nines was already looking down at you. "I'll ask Fowler... you don't have to."

"Perhaps that would be a good idea, getting some fresh air may help you to feel better." Nines agreed as the both of you started to pull away from each other.

You stood from your chair and moved towards Fowlers office and climbed the stairs, with Nines just behind you. After knocking on the door you heard a quiet 'come in' so you opened the door and stepped inside. Fowler looked up and saw it was you so he gestured to the chair.

"That won't be needed... I was just wondering if me and Nines could go for a walk... I need to clear my head... it feels weird not helping Hank and Connor... then-"

"You can go for a walk, keep her safe." Fowler cut you off as he pointed at Nines.

"That is one of my duties Captain." Nines declared in his usual uncaring tone of voice that he used at work.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now