A box?

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"I did it for... you," twisting your head back to look at him, you saw tears threatening to fall from his eyes, "look what listening to just one has done to you."

You struggled against Nines's hold and instantly twisted your body around so you were now facing him, the tears slowly started to slip down his face. You weren't trying to make Nines feel guilty at all, you just hated that he had been facing this alone for so long.

"But you listened to so many, Nines, all alone without anyone with you. No one to understand what you were listening to..."

"Are you angry at me?" Nines asked you, he seemed so confused.

"No. Nines. I'm not angry... it just hurt to know that you went through so many alone. I could have been there for you, I could have... we could have listened to them together. Shared the burden." You cried as tears actually spilled down your face too, it killed you listening to the recording and you saw the fear on his face when Hank and Connor were going to ask him to listen to it. "I-I I am sorry, I just wanted to protect you. I was not thinking about myself. Please do not be mad at me." Nines begged he was clearly still confused by what was going on right now.

"Don't be so silly, thank you for protecting me. You are my personal bodyguard after all. Were they all that bad?" You asked out of curiosity as he slowly nodded his head, like he wasn't sure whether he should be admitting that. "God Nines, I'm so sorry you had to do them alone."

You pulled his face into the side of your neck, he gripped onto the back of your jacket and hugged you closer. You didn't care if anyone walked past. Nines needed you and you needed him, nothing was going to change that. No one would change that.

"Thank you for refusing to let me do it... you should not have done so but... I do not care just thank you." Nines thanked as he pulled his face away from your neck and a look of relief flowed through his eyes. He knew he wasn't alone anymore. "You're welcome, I care about you and there's no way I was letting that happen. I would have argued with them all day." You told Nines whose tears had now stopped, only a few stray tears slipped down your face.

"I am not sure how I would have coped with listening to it alone." Nines admitted as his eyes drifted to look downwards, you knew for a fact that he wouldn't have coped very well.

"Well you didn't do it alone, you'll never do something like that alone every again. I promise." You were going to keep that promise to him too, there was no way you were letting him get hurt by something like this again. "Thank you... how are you feeling? It was your first time listening to one." Nines pointed out, it was something he had been protecting you from, you understood why he had done it.

You probably would have done the same.

"It's the worst thing I've ever listened to, Nines, they had to watch the person they love get hurt. Then murdered right in front of them and all they could do was scream." You mumbled before you felt Nines start to play with the hair in your ponytail again. "I know... I do not understand how someone can do that to a human or an Android. I want you to know that I am here for you, whenever you want to talk abou-"

"I know, I'm here for you as well." You interrupted as a sad smile appeared on Nines's lips.

"I must applaud your tactic to make the Lieutenant and RK800 feel guilty. It was quite the show, I am surprised you did that to them." Nines declared as he raised and eyebrow at you, he looked impressed though.

'The things we do for the people we l- care about...' You thought to yourself as you shrugged your shoulders at Nines.

"Hey I must have done a good job because you believed it at first too." You pointed out which made Nines shake his head at you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now