I give up.

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"You can stop whenever you feel like it..." Nines mumbled to you, you were now unbuttoning his fourth button of his shirt. "I'll stop... stop when I'm done..." You told him as you continued to unbutton his shirt.

"Y/N, that is enough." Nines declared as he grabbed onto your hands to stop you, in an instant you put a sad look on your face. "Do not look at me like that, you need to get into bed."

With that Nines grabbed ahold of you and lifted you off of the ground, soon your back was hitting the mattress of your bed. You didn't take the sad look off of your face either, you wanted him to know that you were upset. You just simply wanted to undo his shirt.

"Y/N, stop sulking I will be in bed with you soon." Nines said as he pulled the covers over you, but you weren't about to stop sulking at all. "I wanted... wanted to do your buttons." You remarked as you turned your sad look into an angry one.

For some reason you just felt overly emotional right now, one moment you were ready to take his shirt off for him and now you were angry that he wouldn't let you.

"Y/N... you are so difficult while intoxicated..." Nines murmured, more to himself than you. You were obviously making life difficult for him, which was now starting to make you feel upset.

"I'm sorry..." You whimpered out as tears came to your eyes, Nines's attention instantly snapped to your eyes as his widened. "For what?" Nines asked, panic filled his voice as he searched your face like the answer was on it.

"Being... being difficult..." You cried as tears started to slip from your eyes, now you felt like you were just a problem.

"Y/N... no... it is not a bad thing, I am more than happy to deal with you. It is not a bad difficult. It is just hard to predict what you are going to do next, I never know whether you are going to fight me or do as I ask." Nines explained as he crouched down beside the bed, and used one of his thumbs to wipe away your tears that were spilling.

"You promise... promise it's not a bad thing?" You asked through your tears, you were so drunk that you were sure you'd remember less than fifty percent of tonight. "I promise, Y/N," he paused and looked down at his half undone shirt then back up to you, "how about you undo the rest of my buttons to calm down. Then I shall change my lower body and we can cuddle till you fall asleep?" Nines suggested as he wiped more of your tears away from your face, a soft smile on his face.

"Yes please..." You choked out as Nines pulled away and stood up, he then found a small gap besides you and sat down in it.

"There you go." Nines said as he turned his upper body to face you, wiping your hand under your nose you reached out to his shirt and started to undo the rest of the buttons.

Soon enough you finished unbuttoning his shirt and smiled up at him when you were, he was already looking down at you with an unreadable look in his eyes. You expected him to get up to go a change out of the rest of his clothes but he just stayed there and stared at you.

"Nines..." You whispered out, but this only made his smile widen.

"Y/N, I just want you to know that I could never think you were difficult, to me you are the easiest human on the planet. You are easy to understand, care for and be around. Never change." Nines breathed out as he leaned over and pressed a light kiss to your forehead.

Once again you had a stupid big smile on your face at his words, it felt weird hearing Nines say them but it felt good too. He never wanted you to be someone you weren't.

"I won't..." You mumbled as Nines stood up to go and change.

After about ten minutes of Nines faffing around with you just watching him like you were watching TV he was finally turning the light off. The moment the light went out the only source of light was from Nines's LED, you could see the small amount of light moving quite quickly around the bed.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now