Oh please, please, please!

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An early lunch was the best thing Fowler could have given you after the morning you had, it was filled with laughter and genuine happiness. Connor and Nines of course did not get along at all, constantly making snide remarks at one another. It didn't surprise you at all. Nines had been trying his hardest to not show emotion, but when it was getting too much for him, he would reach out for you and squeeze your hand.

After you had returned from your lunch the four of you started trying to question some of the people you had arrested in the morning, but none of them gave you anything. So many of them just threw abuse at you, Connor and Nines. Others just stayed completely silent and refused to speak at all, in the end you all chose to just stop. The stress was becoming too much, you'd questioned at least nine or ten of them in total and that was enough for one day.

You'd all spoken to Fowler who supported the decision to just stop, so he told you all to just write up your reports you needed to do for the rest of your shift. Nines's report was done in less than ten minutes, now he was helping you with yours.

"I am highly impressed with your work today, Y/N." Nines randomly said, you took your eyes off of the terminal screen and looked towards him, confused. "What work do you mean?" You asked narrowing your eyes at him, you could see the ghost of a smirk on his face.

"Your report, so far you have not made a single mistake with your spellings." Nines stated and you wanted nothing more than to punch him in his stupid attractive face. "You cheeky bastard... that's it I'm ignoring you until the end of our shift." You told him with an offended look on your face, you looked away from him and started typing again.

All that came from Hank and Connor was laughter, you soon felt Nines's hand make its way onto your thigh. He squeezed down three times before he just let it rest there, sometimes he just did the oddest things.

"I'm gonna finish my report tomorrow, so what you doing tonight, Y/N?" Hank questioned you as you took your eyes away from your terminal again. "Just relax, I can't be bothered to do anything really..." You answered Hank before going back to looking at your terminal. "You doing anything?"

"Apart from winding up Connor? Nothing really... was thinking about going to the bar, but Connor won't go with me." Hank replied as you shifted your eyes to look at Connor who had stopped what he was doing and gave Hank an offended expression.

"You never asked me to come with you!" Connor exclaimed as you bit down onto your bottom lip to stop yourself from laughing. "Will you come to the bar with me?" Hank then asked as Connor scoffed.

"No I don't want to, not now that you lied and said I wouldn't go with you. When I would have." Connor retorted as he span his chair face more towards you and Nines, who was now massaging your thigh with his hand. "Can you believe him?"

"I know so mean." You snorted.

"We have two minutes of our shift left, Y/N, I believe you should stop your report where it is and continue tomorrow." Nines suggested so you instantly stopped typing and started to shut off your terminal. "God I love when he tells us how long we have left." Hank sighed as he started to collect his things together, so there was nothing new there he always got ready to leave early.

"We can't even leave straight away..." You told Hank who stopped what he was doing and raised an eyebrow. "Why can't you leave straight away?" Connor asked before Hank could say anything, you looked towards him and pointed to Fowlers office.

"Fowler wants to talk to me and Nines, guess he wants to check on how Nines is doing." You explained as you felt Nines's hand start to rub soothing circles around the top of your thigh. "That's easy. He's still a machine." Hank shrugged and you couldn't help but snort at what he said.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now