He didn't even speak

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1 hour 12 minutes later

Since Nines began some small talk the conversations flowed well throughout yours and Hanks meal, it was nice being around Hank again. You really did miss working with him everyday.

Connor still hadn't said a word to anyone, Hank tried to involve him but either Nines would cut in or pick the conversation up before it died completely. In the end Hank stopped trying to involve him at all, even he could tell Connor wasn't interested.

"Can't believe we've still gotta go some time without you both..." Hank sighed as he finished the rest of his drink, to your surprise he'd only had three alcoholic drinks this evening.

"Yeah... I miss work, but it's also been nice to just relax and not worry about anything except for if Nines is going to give me food poisoning." You told Hank while biting down on your bottom lip, knowing that your comment would irritate Nines.

"I am highly advanced! There is no possible way for me to give you food poisoning!" Nines scoffed as he dug his fingers into your thigh, instantly making you want to squirm.

"Think she was joking blue eyes." Hank smiled as he glanced over at Connor, before instantly shaking his head.

"She always does that... I never understand..." Nines mumbled.

"Well, unfortunately some of us still have to do this thing called working and I need some sleep. So me and Connor shall be taking our leave." Hank told you, as he nudged Connor with his elbow.

In an instant Connor seemed to spring to life and nodded his head at Hank, did he want to leave?

Is that why he hadn't been talking the entire time?

"It's fine, Hank, we'll probably leave too." You muttered, all you could think about was if Connor had wanted to leave this entire time.

Even after you had forgiven him.

You didn't understand why he wasn't speaking.

"Perfect, we can all leave together then," Hank declared as he stood up and stretched, "I'll be back in a minute, gonna go pay."

With that Hank walked away leaving the three of you sat at the table, Nines had began to rub circles around your thigh. He could obviously sense the change in your mood, which also meant he probably knew it was because of Connor.

You all sat in silence up to the moment that Hank returned to the table.

"All paid for." Hank informed you.

"You didn't have to pay..." You told Hank who shrugged his shoulders.

"I know, but I wanted to."

"Shall we leave now, Y/N?" Nines asked you, turning your upper body to face him, you nodded in response. "Yeah that sounds good..." You mumbled in response as Nines shuffled out of his chair and let you out.

Without waiting for Hank and Connor you slowly moved towards the exit, you were sure that they were following behind anyway. Before you could open the door Nines pushed himself past you and pulled it open for you.

"Thank you, Nines." You muttered as he nodded his head ever so slightly at you.

The moment you stepped outside the cold air hit you, turning around you saw that Nines had also held the door open for Hank and Connor.

The moment Connor walked through the door he moved straight towards the car without a word to you.

"I shall call us a taxi." Nines told you.

"What? No. Ignore Connor. We bought you here so we'll take you back." Hank cut in, he was clearly not going to take no for an answer. But you really just felt awkward now, and quite upset.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now