Is that an apology drink?

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45 minutes later

You had only had two more drinks since your conversation with Nines, he was proud of you for not getting carried away with drinking. The two of you were currently on the dance floor with each other, where Nines was currently setting you up to dance.

You did not need help at all, you just liked having him touch you like that. People had continued to stare at you and Nines, he still hadn't mentioned it so you weren't sure if he had noticed at all.

"There you are ready." Nines stated as a happy sigh left him, with that you went to dancing away.

Nines just stared at you for a few minutes before joining in, just like last time you moved with the beat of the music. To you it was still weird to see Nines dancing, but he looked so perfect while doing it still. You were still surprised by him wanting to stay very late, he was always the one forcing you to leave in time. He would still probably have to do that anyway.

But this time he wanted to stay late.

He wanted to do what everyone else was doing.

The song changed which meant you had to change your pace due to the change in beat, Nines's eyes were on you the entire time. For some reason you could always tell when he was staring at you. Looking to him you saw that he looked impressed, he always did considering you never used to dance until you met him. He changed you.

Looking to Nines you saw that he had an annoyed look on his face, he was still dancing but he seemed distracted. When he noticed you looking at him, he just smiled. He was definitely distracted by something. You stopped dancing and pushed yourself up against his body, before pushing your lips to the bottom of his ear.

"What's the matter, Nines?" You asked before pulled your head away, you were tipsy due to the alcohol you had already consumed. "Nothing is the matter, Y/N." Nines told you, but you didn't believe him for a second, clearly something was bothering him.

"Don't lie to me!" You huffed as you bashed the palm of your right hand against his shoulder.

"It does not matter, Y/N. I just want to enjoy this evening." Nines told you, making sure his voice was projected over the music. You just pouted at him in a sad way, trying to make him feel guilty. "It will ruin our time!"

"I don't care! I don't like you being annoyed!" You yelled to him as you started to rub a finger along his jawline. Nines's whole body relaxed at you doing this. "Your phone keeps ringing..." Nines told you as a sad look appeared in his eyes, there was only one person who would call you.

For some reason you felt angry.

You were sure it was probably the alcohol making you feel that way.

So you held your hand out to Nines, indicating him to give you your phone.

"No, you have been drinking and your decision maki-"

"Give me the fucking phone, Nines." You demanded, this was yours and Nines's night to have fun without any worries.

Yet here Nines was getting irritated which counted as a worry to you in that moment.

Reluctantly Nines pulled your phone from his pocket and handed it over to you, the screen came to life and the first thing you saw was picture of you and Nines as your Lock Screen which naturally made you smile.

That was until another call began to come through.

It was exactly who you expected.

It was Connor.

Normally you wouldn't be annoyed but he was currently making your Nines upset, which you didn't like in your tipsy state.

Bringing the phone to your ear you knew there was no way you'd hear him. But he'd definitely hear you.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now