I just...

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40 minutes later

"Here is your meal, when you are halfway through eating your meal I shall go back to the kitchen and start to make your pudding." Nines informed you as he passed the food he had made down to you, taking ahold of it you looked down at what he had made you. "Nines... I'm not gonna lie... I think you've outdone yourself this time..." You commented before looking back up at Nines, he had already sat down besides you.

He had his head tilted towards you with a questioning look on his face. "What do you mean?" Nines questioned as he then tilted his head to the other side.

"This looks amazing... like the best thing you have ever made amazing." You told him as you saw an embarrassed look cross over his face, that's when the light dusting of blue started to form on his cheeks. "I am glad that you think it looks good." Nines breathed out as you looked back to the food and collected some of it up.

You could feel Nines's eyes on you the whole time, but he never made you feel uncomfortable when he watched you eat. With anyone else you would tell them to stop watching you, blowing onto the food a few times you placed it into your mouth. You could tell Nines was sitting and waiting patiently for you to finish your mouthful, so he could ask how it tasted.

The moment you were done you looked towards him with a smile on your face.

"Does it taste good?" Nines asked he was searching your face rapidly for some kind of verdict. "It tastes as amazing as it looks." You told Nines as the dusting of blue reappeared on his cheeks.

"R-Rea-Really?" Nines stuttered out, immediately looking irritated at himself for stuttering.

"Yes, really. You should try some... after all you made it." You offered as you held it out to him, he looked down at it and back up at you. "It's only right that the chef should try his own creation."

"I suppose that is a very fair argument, so I shall try a small amount." Nines stated as you collected a very small amount up for him, then held the fork up for him to take.

Nines gently took the fork from you before placing the food into his mouth, he didn't need to worry about it being hot because he couldn't be burnt by it. You saw his LED start flashing almost immediately, switching between yellow and blue.

"Yes, it does taste good. But then it was made by me... an Android if it was less than perfection I would throw it in the trash and start again." Nines finally said and you couldn't help but start laughing at how big headed he sounded right now. "Oh yeah I'd hate for Mr perfect to do something less than perfect." You laughed your voice laced with sarcasm, you knew being called Mr perfect would annoy him.

"Must you always mock me? I am not... no I am perfect thank you for noticing." Nines declared as he held the fork back to you, taking it from him you continued to giggle. "I'm sorry Nines... it really is perfect though. Especially as you weren't made for cooking." You reassured him as you leaned towards him a small amount, he looked at you from the corner of his eye.

"Now I am mad at myself... you were teasing not mocking... so stupid..." Nines grumbled to himself but you still heard everything he said, you loved his reactions to everything. "You know I love to tease you..." You mumbled before going back to your food, Nines didn't say anything else but you did feel his eyes watching you again.

You were nearing halfway through your meal as a question entered your mind, you needed to ask Nines.

"Nines, can I ask you something?" You questioned as you placed the fork down again, looking to Nines you saw him nodding his head at you. "You said you had a list of meals to make me, how long is that list?"

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now