You seem like a child

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The next day, 8:54am

Opening your eyes up you tilted your head back as a yawn immediately escaped you. You had planned to get up a lot earlier as you had a longish drive ahead, as Nines hadn't woken you up you assumed you woke up early. Your eyes locked onto Nines's face and as usual he had his eyes closed.

His LED glowing yellow and his face looking peaceful the entire time, he was always so relaxed when he was sleeping next to you. Well in rest mode next to you.

A smile crossed over your face when you realised how excited Nines would be when he became aware of the world around him, he hadn't stopped talking about it after your conversation about Connor.

Lightly you tapped your hand against his chest, his eyes opened straight away as they looked down at you, his LED changing to blue. He smiled at you the moment he saw you.

"Good morning, Y/N, you are up slightly earlier than planned." Nines greeted while confirming what you had guessed. You had woken up earlier than what you needed to. "Good morning, Nines, yeah I thought so as you didn't wake me up." You responded as you felt Nines's body shift a small amount.

"That is not a problem, it just means we can spend some time in bed before getting ready to go out." Nines pointed out, he wasn't wrong you could now lay in bed for a small amount of time and just cuddle him. "That's true, we can cuddle." You mumbled as you snuggled into him more.

"That is exactly what I wanted." He murmured as he squeezed your body, lightly.

It went silent between the two of you as you lowered your head a small amount, if you looked up with your eyes you would still be able to see his face. You were comfortable and now you could stay like this for now.

"Y/N." Nines muttered as you used your eyes to look up at his face.

"Yes, Nines?" You responded curious as to why he wanted your attention so bad.

"I cannot wait for today." Nines informed you as you saw the happiness spread across his face, he looked like he was on top of the world. "I can't either, I just hope it lives up to your expectations." You sighed, more than anything you were worried that Nines wouldn't actually enjoy it and the whole trip would have been as waste of your time.

Even though you enjoyed arcades.

It wouldn't be fun for you if he wasn't enjoying himself.

"I am sure that it will, are you sure you are going to be okay with a light breakfast today?" Nines inquired, when you had told him last night that you weren't going to have a big breakfast he almost exploded. "I'm sure I'll be okay, if I get hungry I'm sure there will be somewhere to eat." You reassured Nines as you brushed your fingertips across his chest, lightly.

"Yes I am sure there will be, I bet you are glad that you took a shower last night so you did not have to this morning." Nines stated, the both of you really had spent most of the evening talking about the trip. "Yeah I am, I would hate to have to run around trying to get ready quickly." You answered as Nines ran his hand through your hair, last night Nines had also dried your hair for you.

You protested because you wanted it to dry naturally but Nines had told you that it was too cold to let it dry naturally. So you gave in and let him dry it for you.

"Is there anything you would like me to get ready for you after I am changed?" Nines asked, he already knew he'd be changed way before you.

He didn't have to stand around and worry about if he looked decent because he walked around looking like a literal God all the time.

"I don't think so, but if I think of anything I'll let you know." You told him, he was twirling some of your hair around his finger. "Of course, we should get up in a few minutes." Nines stated as he shifted his body again, you just naturally moved with him.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now