This is very... strange

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"Y/N... why do you look like you are about to cry?" Nines questioned as you continued to stare at him. "Are you going to cry?"

You just shook your head at him.

You were absolutely about to cry, what he had said was one of the most adorable things that had come out of his mouth. He didn't want to do anything like this with anyone else. Only you.

"I do not believe you." Nines stated as he leant his upper body over the console, worry in his eyes. "I'm not sad... I just... you only want to do this with me?" You asked the lump in your throat making your voice sound weird.

"I only ever want to do things with you, every new thing to experience I want to be with you for it." Nines told you with a very soft look in his eyes, again he knew what to say to make you feel special. "I'd love to be there for all of them." You responded as Nines smiled at you, this smile was so genuine and natural.

"I would very much like that." Nines sighed as his eyes then flickered towards the direction of the arcade.

"Let me put my phone on silent, then we can get going." You laughed as an embarrassed look crossed over his face, he had no reason to feel embarrassed you understood why he was feeling impatient. "Yes of course..." Nines muttered as you pulled your phone out and switched it to silent.

"I'm ready to go." You told Nines.

It didn't take too long for you to lock the car up, the moment you had Nines took ahold of your hand as the two of you slowly moved towards the building. Nines seemed like he was almost buzzing with excitement, you were sure that if he could jump up and down like a child he would.

"Are you ready to go inside?" You asked Nines as you stopped right before the entrance, Nines glanced at you before looking back to the arcade building. "I am very excited, but I am also quite nervous. Because this is new..." Nines mumbled to you, his head turning back to look at you for a few moments.

"I know it's new, but I'm here with you." You reassured as you grasped Nines's hand tightly, a look of relief crossed over his face instantly.

"I am ready." Nines breathed out as a smile finally appeared on his lips, smiling back to him you moved to enter the building.

Once you and Nines were inside you shuffled to the side and let the door close, you wanted to give him a chance to take it all in. So you just stood just next to the door so he could look around from there, you watched him intently while his LED flashed between yellow and red. His eyes scanned his surroundings intently, you honestly had no idea what was going on for him.

You knew he'd probably be nervous because he'd never been somewhere like this before.

"Do you want to walk around? See what's here?" You asked Nines, you hadn't really discussed how he'd want to do this.

"You know the types of things that are here, do you not?" Nines questioned you, he turned his head to look at you, relief filled you when you realised he looked quite calm. "I do know what kind of things they could have here, yes." You told Nines who just stared down at you.

"Could you just take us to anything you find enjoyable?" Nines asked, he seemed really unsure on himself right now, for such an advanced machine he really seemed like a fish out of water. "I can do that." You responded as you rigged on his hand, indicating for him to start walking.

You wanted to make sure that you had everything you needed to make this experience amazing so you took Nines to do that first, he seemed so confused by it all so just let himself be led by you.

Soon enough you were dragging Nines towards a very classic arcade game that you remembered playing when you were younger.

"So this one is one I've played before... how about I show you what you're supposed to do then you try?" You suggested to Nines who nodded his head at you, a very small smile on his lips. "I would like that." Nines responded as you nodded and turned away from him, instantly feeling like you were back in your childhood.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now