Make them leave...

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10 minutes later

Hank had been explaining to you and Nines how him and Connor got to the hotel, it really did seem like they really went out of their way to come and see you. Connor looked like he was itching to ask you questions, so you were happy that Hank was still talking.

'Just keep talking Hank...' You prayed inside of your head before stealing a look at Nines, he looked so bored and annoyed.

It was quite funny to see actually, every so often he would roll his eyes or just look completely fed up for a couple of seconds.

"I thought blue eyes wasn't going to let us in." Hank snorted as that bought your attention towards him and Nines, not just Nines. "Do not worry I was, I just needed to make sure that no one followed you both." Nines commented as he gave Hank a very emotionless look.

"Y/N, I just want you to know I've been so worried about you." Connor blurted out, you twisted your head to the side to look at him. His LED was flashing yellow, he did genuinely look worried about you. "Sorry..." You mumbled in response, feeling like you'd upset him somehow by not speaking.

"Don't apologise, I've just been constantly thinking about you." Connor told you, out of the corner of your eye you saw Nines roll his eyes as what Connor said. He wasn't amused.

"Oh..." You whispered out.

"Son, calm down... don't overload her." Hank scolded Connor, whose eye's immediately widened then he looked down at his lap. "Right... yes I am sorry..." Connor apologised keeping his head down, you kind of felt bad that he had being going crazy over everything and you were just talking to Nines and sleeping pretty peacefully.

"I apologise, I probably should have told you that she does not say many words..." Nines stated as you saw the most smug smirk cross over his lips, he was enjoying Connor getting scolded by Hank. "It's okay blue eyes, speaking is speaking doesn't matter how much she speaks." Hank reassured Nines as he elbowed him, Nines just looked down at where Hank had elbowed him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to seem like I was jumping down your throat." Connor apologised again, you could see in his eyes that he was genuinely sorry, but you also knew he had a lot of things he wanted to say and ask. "It's fine..." You mumbled as you looked down into your lap, you'd never felt so awkward around Hank and Connor.

"How has she been blue eyes? I'm sure you can tell us more than what she can." Hank pointed out, looking at Nines your eyes connected with yours. He seemed to be asking for permission with his eyes.

You gave him a soft nod to tell him it was okay.

"Well, as I said she does not say many words, but she however did get a small amount of sleep. I knew she was worried about sleeping. I stayed completely active and aware the entire time." Nines informed them both, Connor looked quite relieved at the information he'd just received.

"It is good you got some sleep, I was highly concerned that you wouldn't. I'm sure all of that has really affected you negatively." Connor commented as you glanced at him with your eyes, he wasn't wrong you just didn't want it all bought back into the light. "Can't imagine what was going through your head when you saw it all." Hank sighed so you used your eyes to then look at him.

This is what you didn't want.

You didn't want them to talk about it or ask questions about it.

"I cannot believe that it happened, when we received the information of what happened we rushed to your house as quick as we could." Connor said, you just sat there trying not to think about it, you kept looking between Connor and Hank.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now