Is this acceptable?

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Everything had reluctantly been explained to Fowler by Nines, you knew he wanted to get out of the station and get you somewhere safe. Fowler had tried to speak to you, but you still didn't speak to him. You still couldn't force yourself to speak.

Now Fowler was finding somewhere for you and Nines to be safe, which is exactly what Nines wanted to do in the first place. He seemed slightly relieved that he could get you somewhere safe.

"Y/N's car is gonna have to stay here, if they know where she lives they'll know what her car looks like. So I'll find you transport to get to the safe place." Fowler said and you felt your stomach drop.

You were losing your car...

Maybe not completely...

But it was so important to you, being without it would feel weird. Yet Fowler was right, it made you quite recognisable. You knew it would be safe at the station, but it still hurt to know that you were going to be without it for however long it would take to find their leader.

That was the other thing, you weren't allowed to go back home until she was found, Nines refused to let Fowler stop you and him from working. You weren't sure if Nines was lying through his teeth or not, but he told Fowler it would make your mental health decline more if you lost everything in your life. Connor didn't argue it so you assumed that maybe he was being serious.

"We do not need a protective duty, it will make it more evident. I can protect her perfectly fine by myself, I will stay active throughout the night I do not require rest." Nines's voice argued with Fowler bringing your attention back to the conversation, Nines didn't seem happy about what Fowler was suggesting.

"You are seriously starting to sound more and more like a Deviant with arguing with me." Fowler snapped as you felt Nines's body become rigid. "I am not a Deviant, I am just a machine trying to do my job. The more people you have crowding her the more in danger she becomes!" Nines yelled to you it was evident he was getting pissed off, soon he would out himself if he wasn't careful.

It just made you want to speak more, you still couldn't bring yourself to speak though.

"Captain, before you yell at RK900 I must inform you that I agree with him. He is correct the more people there are around her could make it easier to find her, only a handful of people should be around her when she isn't at work." Connor cut in and you were surprised by how much he was actually being civil with Nines, it shocked you completely.

"I hate that you Androids know everything... fine... RK900 I'll let you know when your transport is ready." Fowler told Nines, whose body seemed to relax the smallest amount.

"I need to retrieve her personal items from her car." Nines informed Fowler who let out a sigh, before he could speak Connor cut in again. "I can do it, RK900, that way you can stay with her."

You weren't sure why Connor was actually suggesting that you stayed with Nines but you wouldn't complain, you wanted to be near Nines. He was the only reason you hadn't completely shut down and shut everyone out. He was the only one keeping you sane.

"I will give you her keys when we leave the office." Nines informed Connor.

"Detective L/N, I know you won't respond to me but the whole station are behind you in this. You aren't alone. Keep me updated on whether she speaks." Fowler said and you knew he'd say something like that, he wasn't always the angry bald Captain you were used to.

"I shall." Nines responded as you then felt him start to pull you towards the door to Fowlers office, you just let your legs carry you along.

Once you were out of the office you felt like you were being watched, by now everyone probably knew about the threat. There was no way they didn't know about it.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now