Home sweet home

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You and Nines didn't speak, instead he lead you straight towards the car. Where you could both speak in private, the moment you saw your car you let out a breath of relief. You were beyond happy to see your car again, you had only gone one day without it.

But that was weird enough.

You let go of Nines's hand and instead ran your hand along the side of your car, just feeling it.

'God, I missed you...' You thought to yourself as you looked down at your car.

"Did you miss your car?" Nines questioned as you looked up at him, you could feel the embarrassment setting in. "Seems silly doesn't it... but yeah..." You responded while clearing your throat, to most people it would seem silly but for you it wasn't.

"Not at all, shall we return to the hotel to collect our things? Then go home?" Nines then asked as you nodded, you wanted nothing more than to go home.

The hotel was nice, of course.

But it would never beat your home.

Unlocking the car you saw Nines move to the other side of the car, you pulled the drivers door open before then climbing into the car. Nines followed along and also climbed inside, he seemed awfully calm.

"I'm sorry, Nines." You apologised as you continued to look at him, slowly he twisted his head to look at you.

Confusion now evident on his face.

"What are you sorry for?"

"Hitting her... I lost my patience and then ran the risk of losing my job." You explained but a smile only tugged at Nines's lips, he didn't look at all annoyed at you. "I have to say those punches had a remarkable amount of force behind them, you should be impressed." Nines complimented which instantly bought a smile to your face, there was no way Nines was actually proud.

'Why's he proud of me?' You wondered to yourself while looking at Nines.

"Well, I was pretty pissed off with her... she deserved both of them." You commented with a shrug of your shoulders.

"I wholeheartedly agree with you, she seemed very shocked after the first punch. Do not apologise to me, it worked out you did not lose your job and you got some pay back for everything she's done." Nines said in reassurance, unlike Connor and Hank he wasn't disappointed in you.

He was the complete opposite.

He was proud of you.

"Okay... so I don't have to be sorry about that, but I do have to be sorry about me getting suspended... now you're suspended too." You mumbled as you glanced downwards, you and Nines would now have so much free time you were scared you'd get sick of each other. "I do not mind, I would rather be with you anyway. If you think about it, it is like a holiday without actually taking any time off." Nines stated and you couldn't help but laugh at what he said.

That was the last thing you expected him to say, but he wasn't wrong.

When this case was over you were wanting to take a holiday anyway. Technically you could now, you had two weeks of 'thinking about what you did' yet you knew you'd never regret doing it, you were proud of yourself for what you had done.

"So you aren't mad at me?" You asked Nines who shook his head 'no' in response.

"Of course not, I should not be but I am actually very impressed by what you did." Nines told you while a smile still spread across his lips, his LED was glowing blue at the moment and that's what you liked. "I think this may be the best suspension I'll ever have, let's go." You said to Nines as the car came to life.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now