Seems you're good at acting

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10 minutes later

"Fowler let me in there." You demanded, as you looked at Fowler with begging eyes. You needed to go in there.

"Is that such a good idea, Y/N, she literally threatened you. She tried to kill you." Connor commented which only made you angry, he clearly wasn't on your side with this. "He has a point, Y/N." Hank mumbled, but you just wanted to go in, you needed to do this.

You needed to know why.

Why did she do this?

How did she convince all of those people to help her?

How... just how?

"Is this because you blame yourself?" Fowler asked you, completely ignoring what Connor and Hank had said. He was just speaking to you. "Because you questioned her before."

Of course you blamed yourself, you had her right in front of you when this all began, but she fooled you into thinking she was a victim. Nines had told you that her stress levels constantly increased, you thought it was because she was scared.

Which she was.

She was scared of being caught.

Scared of being found out, not scared of her husband like you had thought.

You had given her the perfect escape route when you entered the interrogation room and interrupted Nines, if you had just stayed where you were- maybe Nines would have found her out.

This could have all been over a long time ago.

You and Nines never would have been attacked, so many couples would still be alive.

She played you, she knew exactly what to say.

To you, this was was all your fault.

"Detective L/N!" You heard Fowler call out to you, you shook your head and looked back to him. He was waiting for your answer.

"Obviously I blame myself... it's my fault I got attacked... it's my fault that one of our colleagues died and it's my fault that so many people died." You finally answered as you sank down into one of the chairs, then hung your head down in shame.

'It's my fault...' You thought to yourself as you felt a tear slip down your face.

"It is not your fault, Y/N, she was highly convincing to the point she showed no signs of lying to us. She fooled me as much as she fooled you." Nines called out to you, lifting your head you turned to look at him and saw the look in his eyes.

He blamed himself too.

He was in the interrogation room when she lied to you, his programming didn't pick up any indication she was lying.

"Neither of you are to blame, some people are so fucked up that they're amazing at lying." Hank yelled out, he obviously didn't like that you and Nines were blaming yourselves.

"I should go in there, I was the one who found her." Connor called out, he was the last person you wanted to hear speak right now, the fact that he didn't support you pissed you off. "Congratulations you interrogated someone and made them spill their guts, that does not give you the instant right to talk to her." Nines snapped at Connor, at least you weren't the only one getting pissed off by Connor.

"What were you doing, RK900? Hm? That's right you were too busy acting less like a machine and more like a Deviant." Connor snapped back and you knew that would hit a nerve, Nines wouldn't like that.

"I was protecting my partners mental wellbeing, something you cannot seem to do." Nines remarked, his voice held quite a lot of anger. If he wasn't careful the others would pick up on it. "Stop it both of you!" Fowler shouted but you were sure it was past the point of them just stopping.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now