That is it...

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Nines P.O.V

I am going to kill him.

But I will make sure no one finds a single biocomponent from his body ever.

Thirty two messages.

Seventeen missed calls.

And five voice mails.

That is what RK800 left on Y/N's phone, I knew she was unsure about having her phone back, that is why I offered to sit with her. I had thought that perhaps she was overthinking it.

I was wrong.

She was not overthinking anything.

And it made me so angry.

He made me angry.

I could tell that Y/N was too nervous to unlock her phone now, but maybe now she could see RK800 the way I see him.

Manipulative, obsessive and just completely annoying.

I scanned Y/N to see that her hormones were going completely crazy currently.

I did not like that, it made me feel upset.

"Do you think he's angry at me?" Y/N asked, her voice came out so quiet, which just made me even angrier.

I was not going to give Y/N the chance to find out if RK800 was angry at her, I was going to look instead.

"That is it..." I said as I grabbed her phone from her grasp, this made her gasp in shock.

She could be angry at me later, I needed to find out if I was required to torture RK800.

Unlocking Y/N's phone I clicked onto the messages and scrolled up to the oldest one, which were sent just after she hung up on him. After that I raced through the messages feeling angrier with every single one I read.

Some of them could have been seen as concerned messages, but I know him.

He is obsessed with Y/N, to the point it is an unhealthy obsession.

Getting the last few messages he was oddly apologetic, but they were from this morning unlike the others. Most of them just made me angry.

"Nines... what do they say...?" Y/N asked me, I raised my head to look at her and saw that she looked panicked. "It is just RK800 being himself, I believe you should ignore the messages." I told Y/N, I just did not want her to read any of them and become upset.

"He was angry at me wasn't he?" She questioned, her voice was so small and quiet, she was not wrong either. At first RK800 seemed very angry and hostile in his messages. "For about twenty-two messages, yes he was." I replied honestly, I was not going to lie to her.

I never wanted to lie to her.

"I guess I deserve that..." She muttered under her breath and it only made me furious, she did not deserve any of this.

One day I will hurt RK800.

That was one thing I was certain of.

"Do not ever say that again." I said, abruptly, which seemed to startle Y/N.

"W-What?" Y/N asked, she was acting clueless like I did not hear what she said, but I definitely did.

"You do not deserve it, I am not sure why you would ever think that you do. RK800 does not rule your life, you are entitled to do whatever you want. If he decides to get his wires in a twist about you living your life then does he really deserve to be in your life?" I remarked, I widened my eyes immediately.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now