Come here... stay warm

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26 minutes later

Nines had continued to point some constellations out to you, but now the two of you were just laid on the blanket holding hands with each other. You hadn't spoken to one another for at least five minutes, but no words were needed between the two of you. Just laying down together was enough.

You couldn't really see his face in the low light, but you didn't need to see his face. As much as you loved his face, you knew he was happy you didn't need to see his face to know that.

A small gust of wind blew through the garden making you shiver, lightly, which of course he felt happen.

"Would you like the other blanket?" Nines asked you, pulling your eyes from the sky you looked over to him and nodded. "Yes please." You responded just in case he hadn't seen you nod your head.

You could just see him pick the blanket up as he pulled his hand from yours and then unfolded the blanket before he then threw it on top of you, making sure your entire body was covered by the blanket. He laid back down properly before reaching out for your hand again, he found it immediately and wrapped your hands together.

"Thank you." You thanked as you went back to staring up at the starry night sky, it was truly beautiful.

"You are welcome, I do not want you to get cold." Nines stated as he squeezed your hand, softly.

It went silent between the two of you again, but you really didn't mind it at all, some people hated silence between them and another person. But with Nines it was so peaceful and calming. It was never really an awkward silence ever.

Your mind began to wander back to the conversation earlier, about the love story that was connected with the constellations. You really had no idea where his fascination of it came from, but he seemed to know a lot about it. He had told you it was very romantic, you were more surprised that he understood that it was romantic.

He had given you a brief explanation of it, he wasn't wrong either it was quite romantic. Even if it wasn't a true story. It was still romantic. What made it worse for you was that he spoke about it with so much emotion, it didn't help at all with your feelings for him.

At one point you had the urge to kiss him, which was happening more often than normal, you found yourself wanting to kiss him a lot.

You really liked Nines.

But you were too scared to ask if he had made a decision yet, you were scared that he would say no. Then you would have your heart crushed in the worst possible way.

Simply because you'd still live and work with him.

You hadn't thought about that until tonight, you had set yourself up for a major heartbreak if he didn't like you. You couldn't just throw him out for not having feelings for you when you had them for him. It wouldn't be fair at all.

Yet it would still hurt so much.

You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep in the same bed as him ever again, it would hurt too much to be that close to him but not be able to love him.

"Y/N, is everything okay? Your mood is declining." Nines called out to you, this startled you and you had to take a deep breath.

You had got yourself so worked up over your thoughts that it was now evident to him.

"I'm okay... I promise." You told Nines with a small smile on your face.

"That was a lie, Y/N." He sighed, you couldn't tell him what you were really thinking about. He'd feel forced to have feelings for you so he wouldn't upset you. "I just keep thinking about things I shouldn't be because they upset me." You told him which wasn't a lie at all.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now