Apologise. Now.

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The moment Hank asked his question your eyes immediately darted over to Connor who averted his eyes from you, instead choosing to look down into his lap. You didn't want to be the one explaining it to Hank, you hadn't been the one who was horrible.

"Anyone?" Hank asked as he looked between you and Connor, you chose to copy Connor and avert your eyes. "Jesus Christ, blue eyes please tell me what I'm missing!"

"I am not sure what you mean, Hank..." Nines breathed out, trying to seem as unbothered as possible. "Don't pull that shit, you know exactly what's going on. Spit. It. Out." Hank demanded, you weren't sure why Connor hadn't told Hank what was going on.

He usually told Hank everything.

"Spit what out? There is nothing in my... oh I see... you mean what is going on with Y/N and RK800?" Nines reiterated, you knew that he already understood, but Hank didn't.

"Yeah! Gonna tell me?!" Hank asked Nines, raising his voice slightly. You dared to look towards Connor to see if he would react at all. He didn't. He just looked ashamed.

'He didn't tell Hank... why didn't he tell Hank?' You wondered to yourself as Nines made the sound of clearing his throat.

"I unfortunately do not think it is my place to tell you." Nines sighed, that's when Connor's eyes raced in Nines's direction. "Why not? You made the situation worse didn't you?" Connor grumbled only just loud enough for you all to hear him.

"Whoa Son, what has blue eyes got to do with you and Y/N seeming to be in a disagreement?" Hank asked, you could tell that he was extremely confused by everything. "Doesn't matter." Connor huffed as he turned his face away from you all.

"I do not see how I made anything worse. Were you not the one who sent the messages? Were you not the one who called so many times?" Nines questioned, originally you knew he wasn't going to say anything but now Connor had asked for it. "What messages? What have you done Connor?" Hank questioned Connor as he nudged Connor with his elbow.


"Oh, of course when you are the one in the wrong you do not say anything to the Lieutenant, but I am sure the moment Y/N did something remotely wrong you would instantly tell him." Nines spat, you knew that inside his head he was furious but he couldn't show it on his face.

"Nines... stop it's okay..." You mumbled as you slowly moved your hand under the table and onto Nines's right leg. "No it is not okay, I may be just a machine but part of being your partner means I must look after your mental state and RK800 is affecting it." Nines stated as his eyes bored into Connor, who wasn't even looking in anyone direction anymore.

"Connor?" Hank called out to him, but Connor just sat there looking away from everyone.

You felt Nines's hand grab ahold of the one that you placed on his right leg, he gave your hand very light squeezes every few seconds. You knew deep down he felt guilty for saying anything, but you didn't blame him.

"Son, what did you do?" Hank asked his tone very authoritative.

That's when Connor slowly twisted his head to Hanks direction, all the while keeping his eyes off of you.

"It was a mistake..." Connor whispered out.

This made you feel some kind of guilt, you had no idea how he did this to you. You knew you should be mad at him still, hell you still were, but he somehow still pulled at your heart. You weren't sure if it was because he was the first Android you loved, or whether it was because he looked so innocent.

Yet you still felt guilt, like you were the one in the wrong.

"That doesn't explain anything, Son." Hank pointed out to Connor who finally looked at you, those puppy eyes of his staring into yours.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now