Let me take a photo!

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It really didn't take you too long to get the giant teddy bear into the house, only eight minutes, really not that long. For a good five minutes Nines refused to offer you any help whatsoever, that was until he realised that you were getting really pissed off. So he offered his assistance.

Now the teddy was just sat in the corner of your living room, you were completely out of breath from moving the teddy through the house.

"That was actually a lot more difficult than I thought it would be." Nines breathed out as he sat down beside you on the sofa, looking towards him with your eyes you saw that he was already looking at you. "Yeah no shit... it's fucking huge..." You huffed as you looked back to the teddy bear, it was staying right where it was until you found somewhere better for it.

"Could you get the other stuffed toys you got and sit in front of the big stuffed toy? I just want to see how much you got." Nines requested, he'd already asked about doing something like that so you thought nothing of it.

"Sure I'm just taking my jacket off." You answered as you started to pull your jacket from your body. "I shall put it back for you." Nines offered as he sprung up from the sofa, and held his hand out to you.

Shrugging your shoulders you handed your jacket over before moving towards your room, you and Nines had put your smaller teddies as well as his one in your bedroom. Upon entering your room you moved over to where you had put them and collected them up in your arms.

Once you had them all you moved back towards the living room and saw Nines waiting for you, rather than stopping you waddled over to the giant teddy bear and plopped down in front of it. You snuggled your back into it and then smiled up at Nines.

"Got them!" You sang as a very wide smile grew on his face, that's when he pulled your phone out of his pocket. "What are you doing?"

"I am taking a photo." Nines told you with a very casual look on his face, you should have known that's what he was hinting at. "No, Nines. I'm getting up." You declared as he started to shake his head and took a couple of steps towards you.

"Please don't!" He yelped, you paused and stared at him with an unimpressed look on your face.

"I look like an idiot." You commented as he shook his head again.

"You do not." Nines reassured as he unlocked your phone again, you knew you looked like a twat and you didn't want that to be printed out and put into your album. "I'm getting up, Nines." You said again, there was no way this was happening.

"Let me take a photo!" Nines pleaded to you, he looked very desperate to get a photo of you.


"Please, Y/N, I'll let you take one of me with my keyring and stuffed toy!" Nines begged, the idea of getting a photo of him too becoming a very tempting idea. "You promise?" You asked with an eyebrow raised, you were willing to look like some sort of child if it meant that you could get a photo of Nines.

"I promise, if I could pinky promise you right now... I would." Nines responded as you pondered on his offer, of course a photo of Nines won.

"Okay you can take a photo. I mean it though a photo which means a singular photo not twenty." You said, giving into Nines and the idea of getting a photo of him too, in an instant Nines was smiling gleefully at you.

Soon Nines was ordering you around so he could get the 'perfect' photo, you had of course made jokes which had made Nines glare at you a few times. After asking you to move for the fifth time he nodded in satisfaction.

"Perfect." Nines breathed out as he raised your phone up and unlocked it yet again.

He stepped closer to you then angled your phone a small amount, before he then took the photo. You knew he had taken it when he was smiling down at your phone, standing up you took all the stuffed toys in your arms with you, then peeked at the photo he had taken.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now