Look at what I can do alone.

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Everyone was now looking around the living room, you stuck with Nines not wanting to leave him alone, or really wanting to be without him. He was so quiet at the moment, you weren't sure if it was because he was struggling or if it was because he had gone full work mode. But you didn't really want to interrupt him in what he was doing.

"You two found anything yet?" Hank called out from the other side of the living room.

"No, we haven't." You called back to him while following behinds Nines, he was still quiet and didn't show any signs of saying anything.

"I don't think there's anything in here." Connor stated just loud enough for you to hear him from across the room. "We should move to a different room, if things are still the same we have things we need to find."

"Connor's right, come on you two." Hank ordered as Nines instantly turned around and moved towards them, he wasn't himself at the moment. But there was nothing you could do right now. "We're coming." You mumbled as you moved around the room to follow behind Nines.

Hank and Connor moved into the hallway and seemed to be deciding whether to go upstairs or not, in the end they turned to you and Nines.

"Check the rest of the ground floor or go upstairs?" Hank asked you specifically, you glanced towards the stairs and knew that was where the hearts were often kept. "Upstairs." You answered as they both moved towards the stairs, you went to follow but felt Nines grab onto your jacket sleeve.

Stopping you glanced back at him and you saw on his eyes that he wasn't okay, you nodded to your sleeve where his hand was. "Keep it there." You mouthed to him while giving him a small but reassuring smile.

He nodded and you moved to the stairs, Hank and Connor were both already halfway up them. You still felt sick. This was supposed to end, it wasn't supposed to happen to another couple they were supposed to be safe. You should have known you hadn't caught them all, or that the leader would lash out herself. Reaching the top of the stairs you were thankful that there were only three rooms, it meant there was less to search.

"Split into pairs, get this over with quicker?" Hank suggested and you were in complete agreement with him, you could still feel Nines secretly holding onto your jacket sleeve. "Me and Nines will take the room on the left." You told Hank who nodded then grabbed onto Connor and steered him towards the other room.

You and Nines headed for the room you had chosen, the door was closed so you expected it to be the room that had the hearts in. Opening the door you let it swing open fully before stepping inside.

"This does not feel right." Nines mumbled to you as you both stood by the door.

"I know what you mean." You told him as you started to look around the room that you could see. "We should look behind the door shouldn't we?"

"I believe so, yes." Nines declared as his hand moved from your sleeve and instead took ahold of your hand. Then stepped around the door.


That's what you felt the moment you did that.

The sick feeling got worse the moment you looked at it.

On the back wall was a message.

'Look at what I can do alone.'

That's what the message said, it was her. Their leader had done this on her own with no help, it was her way of proving she didn't need anyone else. She taught them everything they had done. It all came from her.

"Lieutenant! RK800!" You heard Nines call out as footsteps instantly rushed in from the other room.

The moment they stopped the room was filled with a thick silence, no one spoke.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now